NLNA Trash & Recycling Programs in the Works...



Trash Lid STKR 7x7 FNL OLWhile Liberty Lands has containers for both trash and recycling which receive trash pick-up twice a week during the warm months, there is still a constant problem of wind-blown litter at the park. Some of this originates from park users, but some comes from the surrounding neighborhood. A significant source of wind-blown debris is the plastic and paper that blows out of open recycling bins. The NLNA distributes these bins on behalf of the City, and it is clear that the availability of free bins and their easily recognizable function greatly increase participation in recycling (which is GREAT).The NLNA proposes to upgrade their performance by creating custom bins that are larger and have tight-fitting, attached lids. We hope that these will make a noticeable difference in the amount of litter in the neighborhood. In the future, we hope that residents will be willing to pay a small amount for these improved bins that will offset the costs of production, allowing the program to be self-sustaining.Look for them this fall...


In addition to recycling, there is an ongoing problem of street litter. There are not enough public trash cans in Northern Liberties to serve the population. This is made evident by the fact that the City-maintained Big Belly compactors in the neighborhood are reliably filled up and overflowing. The three trash receptacles along the 3rd Street side of the Liberty Lands are also regularly full.More public trash cans in the neighborhood would discourage active littering and help keep our community cleaner. Trash cans with lids would reduce wind-blown trash in the neighborhood as well.Look for:

  • 10 new street trash cans throughout the neighborhood
  • One year's weekly service for the cans by existing street sweepers(paid through NLNA funding) 


Dog Poop StationFinally, perhaps the most aggravating and health-hazardous form of waste in our community is dog droppings. Not only are these droppings disgusting when left on the ground, they carry disease, encourage rodent and insect pests, and contaminate stormwater runoff. Disposal in plastic bags improves the atmosphere of the streets because they can be tied off so that the waste doesn't continue to create a nuisance in a trash can. This program works in harmony with the increase of public trash cans, as dog owners are most likely to behave responsibly if they can do so easily.Look for 10 “poop bag stations,” which are dedicated structures that provide free plastic bags to be used for cleaning up after dogs, to work in conjunction with the new bins mentioned above.  



The NLNA would like to Thank the Penn Treaty Special Services District for their support of these programs!

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