Illegal Wire Basket Dumping - The solution has become the problem


Trash Bin PSA websiteWire Baskets are for Litter ONLY!

There are approximately 900 wire basket public trash cans throughout Philadelphia, which are there to cut DOWN on litter, not add to it. Unfortunately, some residents have been dumping their household and business garbage in there – filling them up, forcing trash to overflow – and causing a whole bigger litter issue in our neighborhoods.Cleaner blocks are safer blocks, and help boost community pride. So save your weekly trash for curbside pickups or Sanitation Center drop offs, and dial 311 to let the City know if you see anyone abusing the system. 

Dumping household trash = $150 fine

Dumping household or business trash into wire trash baskets isn’t just unsightly, it is illegal – carrying a $150 fine. SWEEP Education and Enforcement Officers are out and about, spreading the word, and trying to put an end to this problem. —


NLNA Trash & Recycling Programs in the Works...


PWD to install rain garden at the rec center’s cement playground as part of a larger watershed project