Weeding 101: Why We Weed


Weeds LOVE Litter.

PCS TreePits 1

Few things are better at grabbingand hording trash than Weeds.

Not only do they collect litterin our Tree Pits, but in ourGutters, too.

Then, we get to enjoy itall summer long.

Unless of course, we decide not to.

Adopt a Tree Pit.

Your tree pit, your neighbor's tree pit,or a pit in the Park. Do it with with your dog. Do it with your kids. Show them how to see the world in a larger sense, and not to tolerate its abuse.

Mulched tree pitHere's How...

The idea is to tend a single tree pit. You can choose aStreet Tree or a Liberty Lands Park Tree.

Keep it clear of trash.

overmulched tree pitAdd some chips to keep moisture in. (Don't drown the tree in chips, tho!) Just add about an inch or so. Avoid having the mulch come in contact with the tree's trunk.

And weed all around your tree's drip line —a circle around the trunk that matches the width of your tree's leaf span.

gutter trashDon't forget the Gutter! This trash eventually washes down into our drinking water through our Storm Drains.

Go to town or not, but make a commitment and do the best you can!It will make a difference.

Orianna 932-3


*Well, abandoned stoops are pretty good, but we're talking weeds here!


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