CSA Farm Share Returns to NoLibs - Sign Up Now!
Regular food deliveries May through October!
Neighborhood Foods, a West Philly based urban farm, is partnering with NL's own Liberty Lands and Cafe Chismosa to hold a 2013 farmers market and CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Customers pay the farmer at the beginning of the season and receive a box of local produce every week. NF cooperates with other urban producers to pool resources and promote each other's products, including Green Aisle jam, Philadelphia grown honey, Four Worlds bread, and Green-street/La Colombe coffee. All of which are available through the CSA. The Neighborhood Foods CSA runs from May 24th through October 25th. Sign up now at neighborhoodfoods.org.Questions? Contact Dylan at neighborhoodfoods@gmail.com.Neighborhood Foods uses farms to stabilize vacant lots and generate a financially sustainable business. In partnership with Urban Tree Connection a 501(c)(3) non-profit, they run educational programs for people of all ages, bring neighbors together through events, and make fresh local produce accessible in low-income neighborhoods. The income from their CSA supports these programs.Read all about it here! —