August NLNA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes


August 12, 2024

Board Members present: Jeff Hornstein, President; Barbara Saverino, Vice President, Cristina Grisanti, Secretary; Ryan Carillo; Shakirra Clark; Janet Finegar; Mariel Lewis; James O’Neil; Matt Ruben; Sung Whang; Kevin Wilkins; Francesca Yepikhina;

Board Members not present: Donna Turi, Treasurer; Meesh Zucker

Also present: Sydney Rexroad (NLNA Executive Director), Alex Clark(Pedestrian Safety Alliance Committee Co-Chair), Sasha Best (Pedestrian Safety Alliance Committee Co-Chair), Carl Monzo (Public Safety Committee Chair)

The meeting was called to order by the President at 6:33 p.m.

Motion: By Matt, seconded by Kevin. “To approve the July Board meeting minutes as presented.”

Passed unanimously

NLNA Speakers & Updates

We are excited to launch the new NLNA Pedestrian Safety Alliance Committee (PSAC)!

  • Alex Clark and Sasha, PSAC Chairs, attended the meeting share the goals of the new PSAC Committee (Board liaison will be Sung Whang)

  • They will be focused on pedestrian safety, traffic calming and accessible transit - and will advocate on behalf of the neighborhood with relevant organizations (OTIS)

    • An example of where they plan to focus as a starting point is pedestrian safety at construction sites around Northern Liberties partnering with the Safety Committee (particularly 3rd St, immediately North of Brown St)

  • The committee also hopes to learn more about grants and other funds available that can support these initiatives

  • They plan to connect with the new Public Safety committee to work together on initiatives that fall within the goals of both committees regarding safety

  • The Board discussed the potential for the new Philadelphia Parking Authority organization with a mission to improve quality of life in Philadelphia, might be a resource to support these activities and issues (Rich Lazer)

  • The Board also discussed using social media to create awareness around committee activities and to gather feedback from neighbors on these issues directly (Facebook groups, instagram pages, etc.)

  • Bicycle Coalition's Vision Zero letter of support 

    • Sasha Best & Alex Clark requested NLNA Board support and signature on the Philadelphia Bicycle Coalition’s Vision Zero letter to the Electeds regarding adding fully protected bike lanes on Spruce St, Pine St and Allegheny Avenue and additional flex posts through Philadelphia, and additional safety actions such as replacing no parking signs in bike lanes with no stopping signs, and ending the practice of allowing parking in bike lanes on weekends and loading at all times of day. 

    • The board discussed the letter and agreed that the safety bike safety measures were positive and supported protecting Northern Liberties neighbors who bike around the city of Philadelphia

  • Motion: By Kevin, seconded by Janet. “To approve the NLNA Board signing the Bicycle Coalition Vision Zero letter of support.”

Passed Unanimously

We are excited for the launch of the Public Safety Committee!

    • Carl Monzo, the new Public Safety Committee Chair attended the meeting to share insights into the goals of the forming committee and provide an update on their initial meeting

    • The Board liaison will the Ryan Carillo

    • The focus was aligning on what does Public Safety even mean? They discussed the it is not limited to just safety from crime, as an example but also could include adding better lighting, focusing on pedestrian safety, and targeting change around 3rd St north of Brown

    • They have put up flyers to give individuals the right address for submitting a 311 report, and plan to engage the police and Squilla’s office on actions that can be taken to ensure compliance to permit requirements

  • I 95 Front Street Improvements 

    • The Board shared background on the Jan 2023 letter to PennDOT from the NLNA Board requesting Front St improvements

    • There has been no response or action from PennDOT since Jan 2023, so that NLNA Board is going to follow up on these requests

  • Liberty Lands Playground & NLNA Fundraising Campaign Plan

    • Katherine Sprissler-Klein, a Fundraising Consultant has spent the last several months meeting with NLNA Board members and neighbors to gain an understanding of our mission and what is important to the neighborhood in order to develop a robust Fundraising Plan

    • Kat presented the fundraising plan to the NLNA Board during the meeting

    • Thank you to Kat for this pro-bono support!

    • After the presentation, the Board had additional discussion around fundraising strategy and how to engage the board, neighbors and donors/sponsors to support 

  • The last priority topic was the intersection of 2nd and Laurel. 

    • At a recent BID hosted meeting about the temporary parklet plan at 2nd and Laurel, the meeting primarily focused on safety issues (rather than the parklet.)

    • The Board discussed potentially supporting additional safety features (stop signs, cross-walks, traffic light) and options to coordinate with the new Pedestrian Safety Alliance Committee on a survey to gather additional neighbor feedback.

    • Another intersection that came up that would benefit with additional safety features was 5th and Poplar

NLNA Leadership Reports

  • President’s Report: Jeff Hornstein.

    • Short report due to the expansive topics discussed up front in the meeting

    • Jeff discussed opportunities for improvement and new ways of engaging the board and increasing collaboration and communication

    • Using Slack, Google Chat and other ideas were discussed (going to test Google Chat)

    • Additionally, it was discussed that Board members receive an electronic calendar invite to all neighborhood events for ease of transparency and helpful reminders of upcoming activities to support for the neighborhood

  • Treasurer's Report: Donna Turi.

    • Treasurer’s report review postponed to next month (Donna on vacation, Exec Comm didn’t put it in the folder for review by the Board)

  • Motion: By Matt, Seconded by Jamie, “To postpone the review of the Treasurer’s report to next month”

    Passed unanimously

  • Executive Director’s Report: Sydney Rexroad.

    • Upcoming events discussed in addition to Sydney’s support of the new fundraising plan (and plans to coordinate with the Board and volunteers on the effort)

      • Movie Night at 2nd & Laurel (Aug 15)

      • Fall Fest Kickoff Meeting (Aug 16) - In Partnership with the BID from Wilde to Brown, Farm Festival 

      • Liberty Lands work day (August 24)

      • Book Club

      • NLNA Board Meeting & Greet (TBD to be planned)

NLNA Committees


  • Playground Renovation Committee -

    •  Robust Fundraising Plan Presented


  • BID Liaison - Status Report

    • Two current streeteries are non-conforming to code 

    • BID Liaison Matt Ruben asked for NLNA Board support for him to communicate the following message to the BID Board: NLNA did not know that the two streeteries were not in compliance until recently, and the NLNA asks the BID to ensure their Board processes support ensuring businesses are in compliance with code today and in the future.”

    • Board discussed and supports the message, no vote needed

  • Community Center Operations - Status Report

  • Events - 2nd St financials to be presented next Board meeting

  • Liberty Lands Committee - Status Report

      • Francesca (Liberty Lands Chair) requests Board approval to put up Towing signs in front of the crosswalk at Bodine & Laurel so that the car that has been parking there can be removed

    Motion: By Jamie, seconded Mariel “To approve the request of the Liberty Lands Chair to add towing signs at the Bodine & Laurel crosswalk entrance of Liberty Lands.”

    Pass Unanimously

  • Zoning Committee - Status Report

      • Motion: By Janet, seconded by Matt. “In the matter of, i.e.: '828-40 N. 2nd St. - CMX2.5 - A proposal for 2 flat signs and one projected sign. The refusal is for the flat signs which are above the fifth floor; NLNA will support and notify the ZBA of support of the recommendations of the Zoning Committee only if/when a CBA is executed between NLNA and the applicant (with terms that would extend to a future owner.) 

    Passed 8-0-3

    • Motion: By Barbara, seconded by Cristina. “To ratify the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of, i.e.: '922 New market St. - RSA5 - A proposal for a duplex - not allowed in RSA5 '”

    • Passed Unanimously

  • Election Committee - Inactive until Sept

  • NL Action Committee

Old Business


New Business


The meeting was adjourned by acclaim at 8:48 p.m.


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