Zoning Committee Meeting AGENDA Monday February 6, 2023 6:30pm
Live at the Community Center, 700 N. 3rd St. & Zoom Register for the Zoom here.
(6:30) 909-15 N. 2nd St. (North Bowl) - Oron Daskal - CMX 2.5 - A request to update the temporary variance provisos for another 3 years.
(7:00) 908 N. 3rd St. - RSA5 - Meredith Fazio - A proposal for a Physical Therapy Office (not allowed in RSA5)
(7:30) 1030-40 N. 2nd St. - CMX3 - Kenneth Young - A proposal for a take-out Juice Smoothie and Acai Bowl bar (Special Exception refusal)
(8:00) 707 N. 2nd St. - CMX2.5 - Angela Agnes - A proposal for a doggie day care with boarding (Special Exception & Refusal)
(8:30) 150-52 Fairmount Ave. - CMX2.5 - Justin Epperson - A proposal for two duplex structures. (Refusal for no commercial)