City Controller Candidates & NLNA Board Nominations at the NLNA April General Meeting - April 28
Join us for the April General Membership Meeting, Thursday April 25, 7pm at the Northern Liberties Community Center (3rd & Fairmount). We'll be hearing from candidates in the upcoming City Controller's primary election.Also, we’ll be taking nominations for the NLNA’s annual board of directorsIf you're interested in local advocacy and taking on projects that help bring neighbors together in a common effort that keeps Northern Liberties a great place to live, work, and visit — then consider running for a two year term in the Northern Liberties Neighbors Association. Feel free to contact any board member to find out more about what's involved!To run you must live, own or run a business in the neighborhood. You must also have attended at least three NLNA General Meetings or joined and attended three Committee meetings (or a combination of both) in the period between May of 2012 and April of 2013. (If you've attended just two, then the upcoming April 25 meeting can count as your third.)So please consider running - and pass this on to any friends or neighbors who might be interested.