Verizon Yellow Pages Litter – Help rid the neighborhood of this bi-yearly trash dump...

 yellow pages litterIt's that time of year when our streets get flooded with superfluous wads of paper. The city spends millions of dollars to remove the 2-3 phone books per person that are deposited on door steps all over the city. The NLNA has been in contact with Verizon, and they want to help cut down on unwanted books.*Here's what you can do...

1. Stop delivery of future directories.

Go to yellowpagesoptout.comWe encourage you to do this! It really does just take 3 minutes.

2. Collect unwanted books and bring them to the Community Center.

Leave them by the front door, and the NLNA will arrange to have them picked up by Verizon.Thank you, and please spread the word...*FYI: Verizon uses recycled papers and environmentally friendly inks in the production of their books. Together with other phonebook vendors, they work to keep the "opt-out" list up to date and delivery  personel alert to customers' needs. The quantities of books printed has been steadily decreasing, but there are still a lot of people who depend on their phone books. (My dad is one of them!) -kat.

Just another PSA from Project Clean Streets...PCS Decal


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