Fight Blight with Free Solar Light Kit!
Up to $100 worth of lighting for vacant lots
Keep Philadelphia Beautiful (KPB) has launched a "Light Up Your Lots" grant program, supplying communities with solar power light kits for vacant or abandoned lots. Light can be a deterrent to nighttime dumping, and also sends a message that people are watching the area.
If you own or live next to a vacant or abandoned lot, you can contact KPB to see if you qualify for a grant.
- Lot must be maintained: low cut vegetation
- Lot must get 6-8 hours of sun
- Must be a way to secure the lights - staked in-ground or connected to fencing
Send an email and KPB will donate up to $100 in lighting for the lot. Include the following information about the lot:
- Location
- Size
- Maintenance schedule
Contact: Phoebe@