NO CIRCULARS Stickers Are Back...

NLNA has purchased Circular-Free Stickers, and is offering them for a donation of $1.00

To get yours, either:

CALL or EMAIL: the office at 215-267-6562 (or  and make arrangements to pick one up and pay cash, or

to get one mailed out to you:

CALL or EMAIL: the office at 215-267-6562 (or and leave a message with your request. Be sure to leave your address. Then go to and use the Donate Now button at the top right for your $1.50 (50 cents for postage). Be sure to type the words NO CIRCULARS STICKER in the memo/notes field while checking out.

They actually make a difference!

Vendors can be fined by L&I if they continue to deliver circulars to your door.

Here is how to to report illegal circular deliveries once you’ve applied a sticker to your door and registered with the City:

  1. Collect the circulars and send them to the address below.
  2. Please be sure to indicate the date and time you received the material along with your address, on whatever you send. It is also very important that you make sure whatever you send, clearly shows the name and address of the business or phone number.
  3. Please do not hold onto your circulars, flyers, etc. longer than 4 weeks.They will not be processed if they are received after this date.
  4. Regarding coupon bags with store circulars inside – please do not send the contents of the bag – it is only necessary to send the bag itself. If you are able to fax or email a picture of the bag, please be sure to include the portion of the bag where it reads “Redplum”.
  5. If there is additional information you would like to inform the City of related to the delivery of the specific unwanted material, please write a short note and include it with your mailing, email or fax.


Via regular mail:
Department of Licenses and Inspections
Circular Free Property Coordinator
1401 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1180
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Via Fax: 215.686.1443


For more info click here!


Orkney Park Children's Environmental Education Program


April 2021 Zoning Meeting – Apr 26