NLNA Board Meeting Minutes – July 6, 2015

PRESENT : Matt Ruben, President; Michael Coyne, Vice-President; Steve Richman, Treasurer; Troy Chrichton; Larry Freedman; Jesse Gardner; Sasi Judd; Monika Kreidie; Jeremy Lindeman; Don Philips; Chris Somers; Anne WagingerABSENT:   Janet Finegar, Secretary; Frank Maimone; Barbara SaverinoThe meeting was called to order by the President at 7:03 P.M.Motion by Anne Waginger, seconded by Chris Somers. “ To approve the minutes of the June Board meeting as presented.”  Passed 9-0-2PRESIDENT’S REPORT : MATT RUBENTwo new Board members, Jeremy Lindeman and Jesse Gardiner were welcomed.There have been complaints regarding noise and disruption due to the Streets Department repaving projects.There have also been complaints about nuisance activities outside Gunners Run, a bar that is located within the Piazza on the 2nd Street side.The 2nd Street Festival will be on the 1st Sunday in August and volunteers are needed for the Northern Liberties tent. Yards will donate beer and NL will sell tickets for beer.The Meet and Greet was very successful with 56 guests attending with successful organizing by Sharon, Michael, Monika and Paula. Food was provided by Burbon and Branch and beer was provided by Don.The Executive Committee met to discuss Board committees and activities. Following are results of the Board meeting discussions,

  1. Jesse Gardner agreed to organize Quality of Life activities.
  2. Public Safety and Town Watch will be helped by Troy Chrichton.
  3. Fund Raising will include Don, Michael and Monika and with Barbara’s involvement proposed in her absence
  1. Business Relations will be organized by Chris and with Frank’s involvement proposed in his absence.
  1. Marketing and getting out word for NL events and revise membership list would be good with volunteers needed to help Kat.

Motion by Monika Kriedie, seconded by Anne Waginger. “ To accept the President’s Report.”  Passed 11-0-0 NEW BUSINESS

  • Lara proposed a revision to our neighborhood mission statement with a survey to assess new goals, to determine what is being done that is successful and what is missing.
  • The ongoing issue of night time safety in Liberty Lands was raised and if lighting is a solution. Jesse is going to look into an earlier plan to light the perimeter of the park.
  • Sasi brought up the Planning Commission development plans for Spring Garden to Callowhill, 6th Street to 3rd Street regarding improving bus stops with shelters as part of their plan.
  • Matt suggested that for now, we map Spring Garden and 2nd Street bus stops to seek bus stop shelters for those 2 streets and which Sasi will do for the next Board meeting.
  • We may change the date of our September general meeting so as to not conflict with religious holidays and the Pope’s visit.

Motion by Monika Kreidie, seconded by Anne Waginger. ‘To accept the proposed New Busisness items.”  Passed 11-0-0TREASURER’S REPORTSteve reviewed his written report which highlighted the good news that within our 9 month financial year, income is $22,4000 more than expected and expenses were $14,700 less than anticipated. The additional good news that Chris Somers very generously donated $5,000 to the NL Association in keeping with his pledge to give us 5% of his business profits.Motion by Sasi Judd, seconded by Monika Kriedie. “ To accept the Treasurer’s report as presented.”  Passed 10-0-0 (one less vote count due to Michael Coyne’s departure from the meeting)ZONING COMMITTEE : Larry Freedman reviewed written report                       Zoning meeting on Monday, June 29, 2015Motion by Monika Kreidie, seconded by Anne Waginger: “To ratify the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 517-33 Poplar Street for a new building with 40 residential units and a ground public café with the following provisos.”

  1. No trash will be placed on the sidewalk.
  2. Install doors near the ADA spots to move commercial trash to the residential trash room through the garage without going through the main residential entrance.
  3. Create a single uniform grade for the rear walkway.

Passed 10-0-0Motion by Anne Waginger, seconded by Troy Chrichton. ‘To ratify the ratify the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 626 N. 5th Street single family dwellings, parking, a commercial unit and apartments with the following provisos.”

  1. Please change the blacktop to pavers or some other permeable material.
  2. The roof top set back should be 5’ on courtyard decks.
  3. If the commercial space is to be used as a restaurant, please return with appropriate plans for exhaust, trash, signage and lighting, hours, etc.
  4. Please update the (mercury vapor) lighting and utility poles on the street.

Passed 10-0-0Motion by Monika Kreidie, seconded by Jeremy Lindeman. “To ratify the recommendations by the Zoning Committee in the matter of 1103 N. Galloway with an adjustment to the upper floor and deck with the following provisos.”

  1. Decks must be a minimum of 8’ from any and all streets (3rd, George and Galloway)
  2. Make no change to 1103 Galloway

Passed 10-0-0Motion by Steve Richman, second by Anne Waginger. “To ratify the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of BarFerdinand/El Camino Real (Liberties Walk) with the following proviso.”Tree pits will now be covered with a permeable material to make each pit level with the sidewalk.Passed 10-0-0Zoning meeting on Tuesday, June 30, 2015Motion by Monika Kreidie, seconded by Anne Waginger. “To ratify the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 620 N. 3rd Street for an adjustment to a pre-approved plan for residential units and parking with the following provisos.”

  1. create a buffer around the A/C condensers on the roof;
  2. create a 5’ set back between the remaining deck and the adjacent neighbor for as well as a sound and privacy buffer;
  3. have private trash/recycling pick-up done twice a week;
  4. maintain the 9th parking space (with 8 units);
  5. do not apply for additional pilot/elevator houses or decks;
  6. do not go back to the ZBA with changes without first contacting the Zoning Committee.

Passed 10-0-0Motion by Troy Chrichton, seconded by Jeremy Lindeman. “To ratify the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 817 Hancock: a proposal for 2 single family dwellings with the following provisos.”We appreciate the need for a subdivision of this property to create 2 lots. Please return with plans that consider creating a larger rear yard and smaller setbacks above the 1st floor for the house on Lot A. The revised plans for both homes should also include facades and materials that are more complementary/sympathetic to the homes to the north of this project.Passed 10-0-0Motion by Chris Somers, seconded by Monika Kreidie. “ To ratify the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 950 N. Leithgow Street regarding adding 2 floors and deck to an exisiting garage with the following proviso.”A letter of support will be issued upon receipt of a copy of the refusal.Passed 10-0-0Motion to by Jeremy Lindeman, seconded by Jesse Gardner. “To adjourn meeting at 8:55.”  Passed 10-0-0 


August Zoning Agenda – Mon, Aug 31


Up to Date Curfew Information for the City of Philadelphia