Recycle Bins With Lids Available at the Community Center – Suspended Until Yard Construction Project Is Completed
We'll let you know when we have more bins as soon as we get them...
The City no longer offers free recycle bins through the NoLibs Community Center.
The small bins formerly provided by The City are just too small. Wind-blown litter from these over-stuffed containers can be seen around the neighborhood after trash pickup most weeks.
So we asked Home Depot to help us out — and they did!
The NLNA has purchased another 100 at-cost bins with lids to distribute to the neighborhood.
They're BIGGER, BETTER and have A LID! Stop in the Community Center (700 N 3rd St), and pick one up for a $15 donation.
Hours are Mon – Fri 10am to 1pm and Wed 6 to 9pm — NLNA Community Center, 700 N. 3rd Street
Using these containers makes a difference in the amount of litter in the neighborhood.To offset the costs and allow for the program to be self-sustaining, the NLNA asks for a small donation of $15 per bin.What Goes in your Recycle Bin?Recyclables needs to be rinsed free of food residue. This is because the oily residues in food interfere with the sorting machines used to separate the items.The following is a list of acceptable material:
- Paper — newspaper, cardboard, junk-mail, circulars, stapled or not, pizza box halves (tear away the oily half of the box)
- Plastic (Nos. 1 through 7 *) — Rinsed milk cartons, juice containers, cleaning supply containers, lids
- Metal — Rinsed cans, clean aluminum foil
- Glass — Rinsed containers of any color
- Rinsed Waxed Containers — milk cartons, juice boxes
- Old Cans of Acrylic Paint — Allow the paint to dry completely first.
* Plastics are graded by number which can be found embossed on its bottom surface. The number is set inside the universal recycle symbol. Plastics 1-7 can be recycled.
What Does Not Go In Curbside Pick-Up?
- Plastic Bags
- Household Hazardous Waste — like old paint cans(oil-based)
- Styrofoam
- Waxed Paper or Cups
- Wet or food-soiled paper
- Paper Tissues, Towels, or Napkins
- Porcelain & Non-Container Glass
- Light Bulbs or Tapes (VHS or Audio)
- Electronics
- Needles or Syringes
How do I recycle plastic bags?
- You can bring your bags back to many area supermarkets. But a better solution is not use plastic bags in the first place – use reusable bags instead.
How do I recycle household hazardous waste?
- Click HERE for city-wide collection schedules.
How do I recycle Styrofoam?
- Styrofoam is collected along with household hazardous waste.
- Click HERE for city-wide collection schedules.
- Styrofoam Peanuts can be recycled at the Northern Liberties Mailbox Storeat 3rd & Fairmount.
Free Bins (Sometimes) Available at these locations (CALL FIRST!):Northwest Drop-Off CenterDomino Lane & Umbria StreetHours: Monday - Saturday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.Phone: 215-685-2501, ext. 02Northeast Drop-Off CenterState Road & Ashburner StreetHours: Monday - Saturday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.Phone: 215-685-8072, ext. 73Southwest Drop-Off Center3033 South 63rd Street (near Passyunk Avenue)Hours: Monday - Saturday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.Phone: 215-685-4290, ext. 01
Circular Free Stickers Available at the Community Center
If you want to cut down on litter created by all those rain-soaked circulars you see lying around, click on the No Circular sticker below...