Love Your Park Day (Fall Edition) – Sat, Nov 14 – Come Out And Do your Part!

9am-2pm at Liberty Lands

Ilse at w shovel

To everyone who loves Liberty Lands: The final Work Day for the year is this Saturday!

It's our last pre-winter push to sprinkle love and happiness all over the urban greenspace we all really, truly appreciate!
Feel free to spend whatever time you can - an hour, two hours, or the entire day. It's always fun and never dull. Park volunteers will be out there all day, so please stop by anytime and lend a hand. We need YOU!
We have lots of projects in the making, including a fun creative kid activity — a Jackson-Pollock-like art-making experience involving two currently sad-looking cylindrical trash cans (perhaps you know the ones?).
All supplies will be provided. Come make an enduring, functional, and artful impact on Liberty Lands!


Free Children's Book Reading Event – Sunday November 15


Join the Kensington Community Food Co-op at their Fall Open House Party – Sat, Oct 24