Intercity Bus Loading/Drop-Off Relocation - Nov 16
Hello Neighbors!
As you may already know, The City of Philadelphia and multiple intercity bus transportation providers announced that they will be temporarily relocating operations from 6th and Market Street to Spring Garden St and Christopher Columbus Blvd/Delaware Ave area in Northern Liberties starting November 16th.
The NLNA was not consulted or made aware of the relocation plan prior to the announcement, and have since worked with the Office of Transportation, Infrastructure and Sustainability to arrange for Mike Carroll, Deputy Managing Director of Transportation, to attend our upcoming NLNA Zoning Committee meeting on Monday, December 4th at 6:30pm to address the decision, answer questions and discuss feedback.
He has assured the NLNA that input and concerns affecting the following will be discussed and adjusted as necessary:
Sites & locations of the bus drop-offs
Porta Potty locations, including maintenance & management
All other matters associated with this project
Although these drop-offs are temporary until March 31st, our input can make our concerns known and help improve this short-term project.
The December 4 Zoning Meeting agenda and additional details will be sent to our mailing list prior to the meeting. The meeting, as always, is live at the Community Center and online via Zoom.
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