Finnigan's Wake Project Legalized over Community Objections
So far, more than 175 neighbors have chosen to make their views heard on the Finnigan's Wake issue. Want to add your voice? Click hereDespite previous assurances, and over the NLNA's strong objection, last week Councilman Mark Squilla moved forward with a bill legalizing the construction of 2nd and 3rd story outdoor balconies for Finnigan's wake, running along Spring Garden Street, spanning the sidewalk. The bill was passed by City Council and now goes to the Mayor.To read the News story - click here.
The Councilman and Finnigan's Wake assure us that they want to continue discussions, and that no balconies will be constructed unless or until we come to an agreement. Nevertheless, the legalization of the balconies over our objections is a significant cause for concern and makes it difficult to safeguard the community's interests.Since Finnigan's plans were made public the NLNA has received overwhelmingly negative reaction to the concept of large, outdoor alcohol-service areas being added on to the building. At this time it's important for neighbors who feel that way to make their voices heard again. Please click here or on the above image to send an automated email to Councilman Squilla and Finnigan's.Some neighbors have asked about contacting the Councilman directly. Anyone who would like to do so should feel free to call his office at 215-686-3458 (or 3459) or email him at