E-Waste Recycling Returns Sep 29th – 10am-2pm

 Bring all your old electronics to theNLNA Community Center!Got a bunch of old TVs, printers, and electronics lying around and don't know how to properly dispose of them?You won't have to hold onto them much longer, because the NLNA's popular electronics waste recycling is coming back next month!Join us on Saturday, September 29th, at the NLNA Community Center (NW corner 3rd & Fairmount), where you'll be able to bring your items and give them to a responsible environmental recycling company, for a nominal fee.You can bring almost anything with a circuit board - TVs, computers, printers, fax machines, stereo equipment, small kitchen appliances (no large appliances like fridges or ovens).


NLNA General Meeting And Free Performance at Liberty Lands September 27


Articles of Interest on Taxes and Major New Development