Covid-19 Resource Directory from Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations (PACDC)
Below is a list of resources for assistance and information from the from Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations (PACDC) during this health crisis. To download a pdf CLICK HERE.

We hope this message finds you healthy and safe during this crisis. PACDC staff will continue to work from home until it’s safe to reopen our offices. Here’s what you can do to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.
As we monitor the impact of COVID-19 in our neighborhoods, our staff and board of directors are all-the-more committed to building an Equitable Philadelphia and supporting our members at this time.
We're going to be honest here: We have more questions than answers, but with your support and collaboration, we will meet this challenge together. As a first step, our staff has compiled this Resource Directory for both our members and fellow Philadelphians looking to receive and offer help.
We’re in this together.
City Operations
The City’s Business Activity and Stay at Home Order took effect Monday, March 23rd at 8 AM. The order remains in effect until further notice.
All Philadelphia residents must remain at their place of residence unless they are engaged in essential personal activities. To learn more about essential personal activities and life-sustaining businesses or services, Read About the Stay At Home Order.
To receive the most up-to-date information in this rapidly changing environment, please visit Philadelphia's COVID-19 site to receive the most up-to-date information.
You can also sign up to receive text alerts by texting COVID19-PHL to 888777.
To speak to a healthcare professional 24/7, dial 800-722-7112.
COVID-19 Testing: Who Should Get Tested and Where Testing is Available in Philadelphia
The City of Philadelphia translated COVID-19 Resources into Spanish, simplified Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, and French.
Lending A Hand
If there’s one thing Philadelphians know how to do, it’s coming together to support one another during hard times. Our response to the Coronavirus outbreak is no different. Remember, the most important thing you can do to help is: STAY HOME. But for many of us, that’s not enough. Consider:
1. Donating to the PHL COVID-19 Fund
2. Buying a Gift Card for a Local Business
3. Donating to a Virtual Tip Jar for Restaurant Employees
4. Giving Blood
5. Check in on a Friend—We’re all lonely!
COVID-19 Resource Directory (Last updated 5pm on 03/24)
Thank you to the following organizations whose existing resource listings provided a tremendous help: City of Philadelphia, Community Legal Services of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations, Philadelphia Bar Foundation.
This document will be updated on a regular basis. Please email Zakya Hall,, to add information.
Table of Contents
I. Information for CDCs
II. Housing
III. Utilities
IV. Business Assistance
V. Employees/Jobseekers
VI. Food Access
VII. Benefits Access
VIII. Resources for Civil Legal Aid
IX. Getting Protection from Abuse
X. Additional Resources for Nonprofit Organizations
Information for CDCs
• The PHL COVID-19 Fund will provide grants to 501(c)(3) organizations in Greater Philadelphia/Southern New Jersey region with a successful track record of serving at-risk populations who are experiencing the negative health and economic effects of COVID-19 right now.
• Help spread the word about the Philadelphia COVID-10 Small Business Relief Fund The program, administered by the Department of Commerce and PIDC, offers grants or zero-interest loans to small businesses impacted by COVID-19.
• All Census operations have been delayed by two weeks. Philly Counts has transitioned to a virtual census outreach strategy, until further notice, in support of guidance on slowing the spread of COVID-19. Download the Census Must Go-On At-Home Toolkit
• Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) had a deadline of May 31st to close on their financing and begin construction. PHFA will extended that deadline. LIHTC building owners and managers are encouraged to waive late payment fees for rent.
• The Department of Planning and Development has issues emergency regulations governing “deemed approvals” by the Philadelphia City Planning Commission, the Philadelphia Historical Commission, the Philadelphia Art Commission, and their various committees. Read here
• The Zoning Board of Adjustment is extending certain filing deadlines. Any filing deadline between March 13 and March 31 has been extended by at least two weeks, with no filing required before April 1. Read here
Many of the City-funded housing counseling agencies are operating remotely. If your issue is not addressed in the sections below, please reach out to one of them.
• The Federal Housing Administration, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency have suspended foreclosures on their mortgages. All property tax sheriff sales through April 23rd are postponed. Learn more from Community Legal Services
• The due date for 2020 Real Estate Taxes has been extended to April 30, 2020. Learn more from the Department of Revenue
• The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency will stop all negative credit reporting to its mortgage customers.
• Save Your Home Philly Hotline: 215-334-4663
• All eviction and lockout proceedings have been suspended until at least March 29. Some have been suspended longer. Learn more from Community Legal Services.
• On March 13th, the Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) suspended evictions for 30 days. PHA residents can apply for a hardship waiver to delay rent payment. Learn more from PHA.
• Message to PHA Housing Choice Voucher Clients and Owners
• Tenant Related Questions: Visit or call 267-443-2500
First Time Home Buyers
• While offices are closed due to COV-19, PHDC will not accept Philly First Home applications.
• Philadelphia Water Department: The Water Department will not shut off customers who fall behind on payments and will restore water services to delinquent customers through May 15th. All penalties and late fees for water bills are suspended until further notice. All non-emergency work is suspended. COVID-19 will not impact the safety of Philadelphia’s water supply.
• PECO is suspending service disconnections and waiving new late payment charges through at least May 1, 2020.
• PGW is suspending non-payment terminations until May 1, 2020. PGW also plans to waive new late payment charges.
• Internet Essentials has increased Wi-Fi speeds for all customers, and new customers will receive two months of free service. Apply by April 30th. Comcast will not disconnect service or impose late fees during the pandemic.
• There will be no landline phone shutoffs until at least May 1st.
Business Assistance
• The due date for the Business Income and Receipts Tax and Net Profits Tax has been extended to July 15, 2020. This policy includes estimated payments. Learn more from the Department of Revenue
The Philadelphia Department of Commerce compiled the following resources impacted by COVID-ID:
• The PHL COVID-19 Small Business Relief Fund offers grants or zero-interest loans to small businesses impacted by COVID-19.
• The Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster Loans offer up to $2 million in assistance per business and can provide vital economic support to small businesses to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue. The deadline to apply is December 21, 2020.
• Pennsylvania’s Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) offers working capital loans that could help businesses impacted by COVID-19.
• KIVA, which gives entrepreneurs access to zero-percent interest small business loans, has increased the size of no-interest loans available.
• The Philadelphia Department of Commerce is seeking responses to its Business Impacts of COVID-19 Survey. The survey is also available in 中文 (Chinese), Español, and Français
Additional Resources for Businesses:
• If you are a business that has had to close either temporarily, consider layoffs, or is financially at-risk for permanent closure, the Rapid Response Assistance Program is available to assist you with a variety of services and resources to help you and your employees. You can reach the Rapid Response team via email at
• The Temple Small Business Development Center is holding three webinars to help small businesses learn how to access help and support due to covid-19 disruptions:
o March 25, 12:00 p.m.: COVID-19 & Local Funding for Small Businesses
o April 7, 6:00 p.m.: Rebuilding Customer Relations + Social Media Presence in response to a Disaster
• Temple Small Business Development Center has a Spanish-speaking consultant, Leyanis Diasz, who can help clients with any follow up.
• The Small Business Development Center in Puerto Rico is offering free webinars in Spanish to assist businesses affected by COVID-19. The webinars will be uploaded to their website.
• Facebook has committed to offering up to 30,000 small businesses $100 million in cash grants and Facebook advertising credits. Information is limited, but sign up to get more details from the company when they’re available.
Employees/ Jobseekers
• Philadelphia’s paid sick leave law has been further defined so that covered workers can use their paid sick leave for COVID-19 related preventative care without fear of retaliation. Learn more about paid leave.
• Pennsylvania workers affected by COVID-19 may be eligible for Unemployment and Workers’ Compensation Benefits. Learn more about who’s eligible for unemployment.
• Individuals can access available job opportunities from PA Career Link and Philadelphia City Council.
• If you believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19 in your workplace, you may be eligible for Workers’ Compensation. Learn more here.
• The Internal Revenue Service has delayed tax payments due until July 15th.
Food Access
• Find free meals for students while schools are closed. Meals are available from 9 a.m. to noon only. All children and youth are eligible, and no ID is required. Find Meal Locations
• WhyHunger refers people in need across the U.S. to food pantries, soup kitchens, government programs and grassroots organizations.
• Aunt Bertha’s network connects people seeking help and verified social care providers that serve them.
• The Philadelphia Corporation for Aging (PCA) is working with senior centers throughout the city to provide Grab and Go lunch options.
• People who need help buying food can get SNAP with no work requirement in all of PA. A federal court blocked a new rule that would require childless adults between the ages of 18 and 49 to work at least 20 hours a week. Apply Here
Benefits Access
• Coronavirus testing is covered by Medical Assistance and CHIP, including in many cases for immigrants
Resources for Civil Legal Aid
• The Philadelphia Bar Foundation compiled a list of helpful legal resources for legal aid and will continue to update this page as needed. View Here
Getting Protection from Abuse
This is sourced from Women Against Abuse:
• The Philadelphia Domestic Hotline (1-866-723-3014) is still open and available to offer counseling and resources to survivors, as well as community members trying to help loved ones experiencing abuse.
• Though the Philadelphia Courts are closed, services for Protection from Abuse orders will continue on a 24/7 basis. See Getting Protection from Abuse Orders in Philadelphia During the Pandemic.
Additional Resources for Nonprofit Organizations
• The Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster Loans offer up to $2 million in assistance per private, nonprofit organization and can provide vital economic support to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue. The deadline to apply is December 21, 2020.
• City of Philadelphia Planning Guide for Businesses and Non-Profits
• The Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance also compiled a list of resources for its members and the arts and culture community. Check it Out!
• Need volunteers? Email to post your call on the city’s online match portal.
• Q&A About H.R. 6201: Families First Coronavirus Response Act | March 27, 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm
On March 18, 2020, the President signed H.R. 6201: The Families First Coronavirus Response Act into law. The Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations wants know you want to know what this law will (or not) provide for nonprofit organizations of all sizes around Pennsylvania. Register here.
• The Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations has compiled a compendium of COVID-19 Resources. Their listing includes:
– Upcoming Webinars
– Sample Plans and Policies
– Resources for Working Remotely
– Emergency Communications Systems and Staying Connected
– Event Management and Fundraising
– Managing Stress and Reducing Stigma
• Nonprofit Resources for Remote Work During the COVID-19 Outbreak
• Tech Impact will host the also host the following free webinars:
How to Set Up Microsoft Teams for First Time Users: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting It Right the First Time | Monday, March 30, 2:30-3:30 PM Eastern | Learn the ins and outs of setting up Microsoft Teams to facilitate seamless remote work with your colleagues and constituents—or just to keep in touch with your friends and families. Register
Remote Program Delivery: Adapting During COVID-19 | Tuesday, March 31, 3:30-4:30 PM Eastern Your nonprofit is closed and your staff is working remotely...but people need you now more than ever. How can you overcome the distance and circumstances to meet their needs? We’ll share some relatively quick and easy ways to offer programs and services virtually without sacrificing quality. Bring your examples and questions for our experts to answer. Register
My Fundraising Event Was Cancelled, Now What? Adapting During COVID-19 | Wednesday, April 1, 3:30-4:30 PM Eastern | You’re working remotely and your planned methods of fundraising have been upended. How can you pivot to virtual events and still meet your goals? How do you shape your message to convey your organization’s urgent needs, stand out, and be sensitive the grim realities of a pandemic? In this webinar we’ll talk you through tools and techniques for fundraising during COVID-19, with a focus on events. We’ll have experts on hand to answer your questions. Register
Panel Q&A: Remote Work During (and Beyond) COVID-19 | Thursday, April 2, 3-4 PM Eastern | Bring your questions for our panel of experts, who will share their knowledge of the tools and best practices to create a successful work-from-home culture at your organization. Register