January NLNA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
January 13, 2025
Board Members present: Jeff Hornstein, President; Cristina Grisanti, Secretary; Ryan Carillo; Shakirra Clark; James O’Neil; Matt Ruben; Sung Whang; Kevin Wilkins; Francesca Yepikhina;
Also present: Sydney Rexroad (NLNA Executive Director)
The meeting was called to order by the President at 6:36 p.m.
Motion: By Francesca, seconded by Shakirra. “To approve the minutes of the December Board meeting as presented.”
Passed Unanimously
NLNA Leadership Reports
President’s Report: Jeff Hornstein.
Briefly discussed the change of direction of the 76ers stadium, staying in South Philly
Positive feedback about the bus operations meeting - Two proposals being discussed (expanding the current Peter Plan location with bathrooms and usage for all other bus companies, and the parking lots originally discussed last year)
Education, Public Safety, Transportation - need additional volunteers and interest to push forward
Discussed ideas to engage neighbors on public safety opportunities (create awareness)
Treasurer's Report: Donna Turi - Not in attendance
Motion: By Matt, seconded by Francesca. “To move the Treasurer’s report to next month.”
Passed Unanimously
Executive Director’s Report: Sydney Rexroad
New bookkeeper - Gina joins us from Southern Virginia - CC, Donna on all things reimbursement & spend
Playground fundraising discussion, working on a new timeline for our campaign and Kat, our fundraising consultant will be joining us next board meeting to discuss
2025 Calendar - Liberty Lands workdays starting the 4th Saturday of every month (right after the Music in the Park which will be the fourth Friday of every month)
New event - pet pageant is coming soon!
Philadelphia LSA Grant Application - In the process of applying
Taking Care of Business Program - We will be apply to this program to help keep the neighborhood clean - It is a win for us to apply and get paid an admin fee to coordinate a trash cleaning service in our neighborhood
Board Kick-Off is this Sunday at North Bowl
Jan 20, 9-11 AM is a workday and Tree Chipping!
Winterfest will be Sunday, March 3
NLNA Committees
Playground Renovation Committee - Discussed updates to the Playground renovation project and next steps
BID Liaison
City gave official permit for 2nd and Laurel pedestrian plaza and there will be a community meeting at the site
A grant has been awarded to the BID to light 2nd Street from Poplar to Laurel (Spring Garden by Callowhill is a similar project)
Community Center Operations - Status Report
Liberty Lands Committee - Status Report
Zoning Committee - No January Meeting
Election Committee
NL Action Committee - 3 board members, 3-4 non-board members
Francesca, Kevin, Jeff
Community Engagement / Membership
Looking to plan upcoming meet and greets - Waterfront Square, Noble, etc.
Old Business
Option to transfer NLAC to wholly owned subsidiary of NLNA was discussed
New Business
The meeting was adjourned by acclaim at 7:53 p.m.