February NLNA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2025
Board Members present: Jeff Hornstein, President; Barbara Saverino, Vice-President; Donna Turi, Treasurer; Cristina Grisanti, Secretary; Ryan Carillo; Mariel Lewis; James O’Neil; Matt Ruben; Francesca Yepikhina;
Also present: Sydney Rexroad, NLNA Executive Director; Jill Henon, City Controller’s Office, Community Outreach Liaison; Kat Sprissler-Klein, Fundraising Consultant; Ethan Childress, Temple Journalism Student Reporter
The meeting was called to order by the President at 6:35 p.m.
Motion: By Francesca, seconded by Matt. “To approve the minutes of the January Board meeting as presented.”
Passed Unanimously
NLNA Priority Topics
Jill Henon introduced herself and shared a bit about the City Controller’s Office, Community Liaison team - If anyone would like to reach out, you can email controller@phila.gov or visit controller.phila.gov
City employees and not living in the city, supposed to
Homestead exemption, if they are not living in the house and are rents
Contractor doing city work and not doing the city
PGW sitting in trucks outside that aren’t working
Revenue department for fraud
Hotline for Controller Fraud (examples above) - 215-686-6680
Kat presented a NLNA fundraising update on the Fundraising Strategy supporting our Liberty Lands and NLNA fundraising efforts (for the playground, park and organizational operations)
NLNA Leadership Reports
President’s Report: Jeff Hornstein.
Bus Operations - Continuing to work with the city (OTIS) on a better interim solution on the current bus operations logistics
Continue to work with neighbors and DeBrunosre: traffic issues between neighbors and business
Update from Matt - Communicated with the new apartment complex on Second St about blocking the sidewalk (black and yellow color apartment complex) and the developer opened up several spaces and made space on the sidewalk
Board discussed having additional meet and greets with local apartment building
Treasurer's Report: Donna Turi
Motion: By Francesca, seconded by Matt. “To accept the Treasurer's report as presented.”
Passed Unanimously
Donna shared the Treasurer’s Report
Discussed a line of credit for future Playground renovation
Executive Director’s Report: Sydney Rexroad
Sydney presented her report. Highlights:
Corporate Fundraising Committee
Biweekly meetings begin 2/18 and will go through 6/17
First 30 min of Exec Team meeting - Pick two corporate donors to request donations
Philly LSA Grant Application Submitted - Fencing, water system, landscaping, etc. key infrastructure updates needed for Liberty Lands
Music in the Park - Starting on May 22 (fourth Friday in May)
Jazz band from last year will be handling the programming (passing along restrictions about amplification rules for the park)
Tree Chipping Feb 17, 9-11
Winterfest is March 2, 2025:
Postcards - Drop off at local businesses
Sponsorship Outreach
NLNA Table - Merch Table setup
Auction & Raffle Donations
NLNA Committees
BID Liaison - no report
Community Center Operations - Status Report
Liberty Lands Committee - Status Report
Zoning Committee - No February meeting
Cristina will be Election Chair, will re-launch committee in March
Election targeting Wednesday, May 7th
NL Action Committee
Motion: By Francesca, seconded by Barbara. “To support appointed officers for NLAC Francesca Yepikhina as President, Jeff Hornstein as Secretary, Sydney Rexroad as Treasurer, Kevin Wilkins as Vice President.”
Pass unanimously
Education - Looking for a chair
Public Safety
Public Safety launch 2025 on February 20th at 7:00 pm
Transportation & Mobility
Sasi Judd has been very active for our community around the bus operations and unsafe bike lanes
Old Business
Option to transfer NLAC to wholly owned subsidiary of NLNA was discussed
New Business
The meeting was adjourned by acclaim at 8:06 p.m.