Northern Liberties Neighbors Association

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Thinking Global, Acting Local

Many neighbors have been asking how they can help their fellow residents and our neighborhood businesses. Recognizing that these are very personal decisions that everyone has the right to make for themselves, here are a few ideas:

Set up an email address for your block. Create a free gmail or similar account whose username matches your block ("800N5th" for example). Print out a sheet with the address and a brief note to your near neighbors saying anyone who is elderly or vulnerable (or who knows such folks) can email the address if they need help. Put the sheet on doorsteps on your block. The NLNA can help you if you get a response and aren't sure what to do next.

Buy gift certificates from neighborhood business now, to gift or spend later. Cash flow is king for small businesses. You don't have to physically visit them or decide on a purchase now - you can call or email businesses to buy gift certificates now, to give them working capital to increase the chances that they will still be there when you want and need them in the future. Also note that Northern Liberties has an unusually large proportion of local businesses whose owners live here. They are our fellow neighbors.

Think about the Gig Economy. Many neighbors work very contingently, with regular small payments for doing services for other neighbors. If you feel comfortable and able to do so in this uncertain time, consider supporting local informal service providers you already use even if you are temporarily scaling back or suspending those services.