September Zoning Meeting – Wed, Sept 30
Zoning Motions are approved by the Board at the following month’s board meeting, which is held the first Monday of the month. To review past zoning meeting minutes and approved motions find the applicable NLNA Board Meeting Minutes by clicking here:
Location: the location is virtual due to COVID-19, so we are meeting via Zoom (use link below). Contact us in advance if you have an issue using Zoom.
As always, the meetings are public and all are welcome to attend and participate.
AGENDA Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Zoom Meeting starts at 6:30
117-21 Spring Garden St. - CMX2 - A proposal for two wall signs (refused for size of sign, placement)
622 N. Front St. - CMX2 - Ramon Rosario - A proposal for a body art/tattoo service (not allowed in the district)
879 Orkney St. - RSA5 - Lauren Thomsen - A proposal for a single-family dwelling (refused for parking and rear yard depth)
342 W. Girard Ave. - CMX2 - Michael Phillips - A return visit with a proposal for the erection of a six story building, ground floor commercial, 45 res. units. 9 parking spots and affordable housing units (refusal for height and density)
Topic: NLNA Zoning Meeting
Northern Liberties Neighbors Association is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: NLNA Monthly Zoning Committee Meeting
Time: Sept 30, 2020 at 6:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 971 7821 5700
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