Northern Liberties Neighbors Association

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Philly Foodworks Offer Winter CSA

Winter CSANovember 4th - May 21st (22 weeks)with a 6 week break betweenDecember 11th - February 3rd.
Cost:Your Choice: $395 (whatever you decide)Mixed Choice: $315 plus $35 in online market credits (four items, you choose some things, farmer chooses some things plus $35 to spend at your discretion on online market)Farmers Choice: $535 (8 items, farmer chooses)
Products available besides vegetables: meat, dairy, fruit, bread, jam, honey, hummus, beef jerky, soup, mushrooms, condiments, tea+coffee, desserts and much more coming!
Location: Pick-up your share at one of 25 different drop-off locations around the city. Or have your share delivered to you by bicycle.
Feel free to email or check out our website and CSA
