BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES – Meeting of September 12, 2022
PRESENT: Claire Adler, President; Steve Richman, Vice-President; Janet Finegar, Secretary; Shakirra Clark; Jeff Hornstein; Caitlin Marrazzo; Joe Mikuliak; Don Phillips; Matt Ruben; Barbara Saverino; Kevin Wilkins.
ABSENT: Alex Boland, Chastity Houston, Matt Ochs,.
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. The meeting was co-chaired by Claire Adler and Steve Richman.
Steve introduced Donna Turi, who is interested in running for NLNA Treasurer.
Motion: By Janet Finegar, seconded by Matt Ruben. “To approve the minutes of the August Board meeting as presented.” Passed 9-0-0
President’s Report: Claire Adler. Written report attached and reviewed.
Jeff reported that the posting for the Executive Director position will go up tonight or tomorrow and that he is setting the application deadline for October 6. He has put in an application to the PTSSD and they will hear the proposal in mid-October. There was also conversation about NLNA private fundraising for the position and agreement that Jeff, Matt R., Steve, and Larry Freedman would lead on this initiative. Matt, Janet, and Caitlin all volunteered to be part of the group reviewing submissions.
Treasury Report: Steve Richman. Draft FY23 budget distributed and reviewed.
Steve reviewed the problems and successes of FY22 and the plans for FY23. Highlighted were the need to put a much stronger effort into the annual appeal; the desire to hold a 2023 Winterfest (and need to find someone to plan it); the need to make the website overhaul happen; and making sure to take advantage of the various potential PTSSD applications to fund events and activities. Steve asked that, assuming that the next Board meeting will be October 10, all comments and requests for changes to the budget be submitted by the end of September.
Motion: By Matt Ruben, seconded by Kevin Wilkins. “To accept the Treasury report as presented.” Passed 9-0-0
BID Report: Matt Ruben.
- Matt reported that there's been a rash of break-ins to 2nd Street businesses: BID has done all it can with the city and police response and has also hired private security to help.
- BID has requested NLNA's support for rebuilding I95 on an elevated structure rather than on fill. There was conversation about the various public meetings that have been held related to the BID's proposal and about the concerns of near neighbors.
BID Report
The BID has requested a letter of support from NLNA for the proposal to PennDOT to rebuild at least one section of I-95 on an elevated structure rather than on fill. (Text of letter follows)
Dear NLNA Board:
In 2021 the Northern Liberties Business Improvement District commissioned a vision plan for the N 2nd Street business corridor which runs parallel to and within 200 feet of I-95. Our vision calls for a major shift from a fast-moving vehicular throughway to a green pedestrian promenade that will provide a fertile environment for both businesses and residents to thrive. This multimodal plan strives to meet the needs of increased population density by swapping parking spaces for expanded sidewalks, safer crosswalks, and protected bike lanes.
Conversations about how to enact such a bold plan led us to think more critically about the impending rebuild of Interstate I-95, which is currently built on fill through Northern Liberties. Rebuilding the highway on structure, as it is in neighborhoods north and south of us, offers a multitude of benefits. We would be able to shift parking off of 2nd St and add significant parking inventory. The new space could be programmed with festivals or farmers markets. Long-separated parts of our neighborhood would be rejoined. There would be room for bike lanes on the connector streets of Fairmount and Brown that lead directly to Delaware Avenue and the waterfront trail. It could even help solve the problem of ADA accessibility to the Spring Garden Market-Frankford station.
To date, the NLBID has led efforts to engage the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and create opportunities for community conversations. This has included house-to-house canvassing, three open community meetings, and physical and online petitions demonstrating the popularity of the on-structure concept. We have engaged elected officials including Senator Bob Casey and Congressman Brendan Boyle, state house and senate representatives, and local city councilpersons. PennDOT has responded with an analysis of the additional cost and potential delays that could result from moving from fill to structure.
We request a letter of support from your organization stating that when the highway is rebuilt in Northern Liberties, it is built on an elevated structure rather than remaining on solid fill with retaining walls. Though we understand that the rebuild, regardless of how it is done, will impact near neighbors and the broader community for eight years or more, the resulting infrastructure will be with this neighborhood for generations. We believe the potential benefits far outweigh the possible downsides.
Kristine Kennedy and William Reed
Motion: By Matt Ruben, seconded by Janet Finegar: "The NLNA supports the BID's vision of rebuilding I-95 through Northern Liberties on an elevated structure rather than on fill. We agree with the BID that an elevated structure is the optimal and most comprehensive method to achieve the essential goals of improving and restoring long-severed east-west connections within the neighborhood and to the waterfront; providing new, much-needed community-accessible parking in otherwise unused space; and creating new community green spaces, programmable spaces, and amenities to activate the area. The NLNA's support for rebuilding I-95 on an elevated structure is conditioned on the understanding and conviction that relevant public agencies, elected officials, and private stakeholder organizations must and will develop clear, workable plans for ensuring safety, security, cleanliness, and maintenance of new spaces that would be created beneath the elevated structure." Passed 7-1-1
Education Committee: Jeff Hornstein.
Jeff reported that a few new potential members have reached out to him and he hopes to schedule a meeting soon.
Election Committee: Kevin Wilkins and Janet Finegar.
The text of the bylaws change proposal announcement was circulated and approved by the Board. Claire will send out the announcement Tuesday morning along with announcement of the General Meeting for nominations on Thursday, September 29. Kevin, Paula Gansky, and Janet (replacing Jeff on the Election Committee) will take nominations at that meeting. Janet will present the bylaws change and handle that vote. The Election meeting will be on October 27. There will be other items to discuss at the meetings that will be planned soon.
Liberty Lands Committee Report: Janet Finegar. Written report attached and reviewed.
Liberty Lands
- NLNA Treasury overseer Steve Richman will present a draft budget for all of the organization, including Liberty Lands, on Monday night. Anyone who'd like to see funding for a specific project or initiative included in the budget should bring it up a.s.a.p. (no later than mid-September.) Otherwise, we'll need to do special funding permission for such projects over the course of the year.
- Several neighbors have stepped forward to spearhead a project to re-do the playground equipment in the future.
- The August 20 workday drew some volunteers. Bruce and Gary headed up a project to improve the trash corrals, including removing some of the most problematic ones. There's some work left to do on this project. Liz started pruning the wisteria off the Steve Stormer magnolia, but fell off the orchard ladder and managed to break a rib. Jessica Brooks helped her until she could get a ride to the hospital.
- Some of the older mature trees were stressed by the drought but should be okay. Some of the crab apples have defoliated and we will just have to wait and see.
- The City Harvest program continues to collect food for donation at 10 a.m. on Saturdays .
- The community garden had a workday in August and has another planned for October. Mary Claire is also creating a Garden Management Committee to manage garden-specific projects and policies.
- We're about six months into the “new” management structure and, as expected, need some new volunteers. Anyone interested in being more involved, please reach out!
- The September LL meeting will be held AT THE PARK (meet at the tables nearest the swings) at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept 13.
Membership Committee Report: Shakirra Clark.
The t-shirt contest is underway: no designs have been submitted yet but the membership committee feels confident that they can handle judging and the logistics of ordering. They hope to have them ready for sale at the Fall Festival.
Operations Committee Report: Barbara Saverino. Written report attached and reviewed.
Rental Update
- NLArts Summer Camp has concluded and there will be a debrief (while done a bit informally in the past, Rachel is setting up some time).
- Action Karate is likely moving effective October/November timeframe and will not be using our space thereafter
- Rental rates - While we have Mister John Music and NLArts as consistent renters there is disparity in current rental structure for events versus classes (there is also less work required for NLNA for classes and renters who use our space on a regular basis like the ones listed above).
- Rental rates (5 hours - including set up and take down): Center (main space on ground floor, indoor accommodations 50 people) $250, Center and Yard accommodates 125 people $400, Seminar, class or meeting in main room for 3 hours $70 and Local non-profit use of main room for a seminar, class or meeting is $50.
- We are looking to balance being a neighborhood asset (and used for events) as well as a revenue generator for NLNA. The discussion is being set for now so we can ensure any changes are communicated in a timely manner. Committee will make recommendations for October.
Maintenance Agreement
- Work in progress. Due to scheduling conflicts this meeting has not been held – working to get done within the next two weeks (before end of September).
Old Business
- Bench in yard.
- 2 Windows broken – being replaced later this month, covered by insurance minus deduction
- Please use the calendar on the NLNA website when planning meetings and events and check out the process.
- Also, please leave the center as you found it - remove food, put tables and chairs back, etc.
- NEED: Someone to assist with marketing NLNA Community Center and Yard. I can write up something for the newsletter and/or website but it would be helpful and necessary to have someone who does this/is a creative type. I recognize this is a larger, board issue. We need more awareness, usage and revenue.
- NEED: Help moving items from the basement for trash. Will be working with Rachel on a day/time. Items include a mini fridge and a shredder.
- NEED: Someone who is tech savvy to write up/create manual for renters using space and want to use our projector (BID is the most recent request).
Zoning Committee Report: Joe Mikuliak. Written report attached and reviewed.
Motion: By Matt Ruben, seconded by Don Phillips. “To ratify the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 433 Fairmount Ave, i.e.: 'Thank you for your presentation. We support the proposed use at this location with the following provisos: 1. Hours limited to 10pm closing week nights and 11pm weekends. 2. No deliveries before 9am. All business related activities to cease at closing times above. 3. Total capacity of 70 patrons. 4. Use of Olive St limited to grain pickup once a week in pick up truck using totes, and fire exit. Explore use of bollards to prevent blocking fire escape, and sidewalk where curb cut is to create an additional parking space. Signage indicating no parking for patrons on Olive, specifically in the lot designated for residents. 5. No sound shall exit the premises. Music on 2nd floor only. 6. No outside promoters. Owner/manager must be present at all times. 7. Cameras on Olive and Fairmount which look up and down streets beyond property. Host/Manager to prevent loitering and queue issues. 8. Plastic trash containers stored in secure enclosure. Twice per week pick up during hours stated in #1/#2. Brewery waste to be stored internally and picked up by farmer’s/composters as stated in #4. 9. Deliveries during working hours, from trucks that fit completely within driveway boundaries. No more than 5 per week. 10.Vent kettle per code. 11. Outdoor use limited to what is on site plan (4 picnic tables) No roof deck. 12. No cooking on premises.'” Passed 9-0-0
Old Business
- The Mural Arts Program requested an updated letter of support for the proposed design of a mural to be located on the wall of the Fire bar (at Girard Avenue).
Motion by Kevin Wilkins, seconded by Matt Ruben. “To adopt the draft letter of support for the mural at Fire.” Passed 9-0-0
- Jeff Hornstein proposed that the NLNA formally endorse Indigo's proposal of a 6th and Brown location for the relocated bikeshare site.
Motion by Jeff Hornstein, seconded by Caitlin Mazzarro. “To adopt the draft letter of support for the new Indego location.” Passed 9-0-0
- Steve updated the group that he spoke with a neighbor who designs websites, but that the proposal was too expensive. Joe suggested contacting the computer guys on Fairmount Avenue and will approach them with our existing writeup. Others suggested that Steve return to the neighbor and ask what might be possible within our budget.
- Joe noted that there is an ongoing problem with the ZBA discarding the provisos attached to our agreements, but that Larry is working on solutions.
- Janet reported that the wall repairs at the Rec Center playground are ongoing and that there is ongoing planning for a new playground structure.
New Business
- Don reported that Orkney Park received full funding from the state for acquisition of the land!
- Kevin expressed an interest in revitalizing the Clean and Green committee. Janet suggested that they talk about what's been done in the past.
- Caitlin is beginning planning for an October story slam.
The meeting was adjourned by acclaim at 9:02 p.m.
Zoning Committee Minutes
Monday 8/29/22
Members present: Larry Freedman, chair, Joe Mikuliak, Kenny Grono, Ira Upin, Christine Furman, Kristine Kennedy, Bill Smarzewski, Charlie Abdo, Philip Hensley, Scott Sperry
Members absent: Matthew Ochs, Jonathan Sher, Sharon Richman
433 Fairmount Ave - ICMX - Roger Perry – Return visit: A Brewery (allowed) with eating and drinking (Special Exception) and assembly and entertainment (refusal) Previous Motion: Group: 7-0-0 Thank you for your presentation. Neighbors are concerned that the assembly and entertainment may not be an appropriate use for this location. Please return with a plan that addresses the following concerns: 1. Hours limited to 10pm closing week nights and 11pm weekends. 2. Total capacity of 49 patrons. 3. No use of Olive St. Signage indicating no parking for patrons on Olive. 4. No live music. 5. No outside promoters. Owner must be present at all times. 6. No sound shall exit the premises. Present sound-proofing plan. 7. Demonstrate compliance with plumbing code regarding bathrooms and drainage. Indicate which sewer (Olive or Fairmount) will be used. 8. Security plan. 9. Trash plan. 10.Hours for scheduled deliveries and estimated number of deliveries. Plan should show how trucks can be completely within property boundaries during deliveries. 11. Venting plan to reduce odor. 12.Bring a site plan showing the full site from Fairmount to Olive St (NLNA board addition)
Additional notes from Larry: The original motion - 49 patrons - was a place holder. We agreed to 70 (everyone in the room was okay with that) Also, allowing music on 2nd floor - sound not to exit the premises – We needed that to negotiate the hours which were important.
Motion: Group 9-0-0 Thank you for your presentation. We support the proposed use at this location with the following provisos:
1. Hours limited to 10pm closing week nights and 11pm weekends.
2. No deliveries before 9am. All business related activities to cease at closing times above.
3. Total capacity of 70 patrons.
4. Use of Olive St limited to grain pickup once a week in pick up truck using totes, and fire exit. Explore use of bollards to prevent blocking fire escape, and sidewalk where curb cut is to create an additional parking space. Signage indicating no parking for patrons on Olive, specifically in the lot designated for residents.
5. No sound shall exit the premises. Music on 2nd floor only.