Northern Liberties Neighbors Association

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES – Meeting of August 9, 2021

PRESENT: Claire Adler, President; Steve Richman, Vice-President; Jacek Ghosh, Treasurer; Janet Finegar, Secretary; Caitlin Antrim;; Shakirra Clark; Jeff Hornstein, Don Phillips; Joe Mikuliak; Matt Ruben; Barbara Saverino; Kevin Wilkins.

ABSENT: Alex Boland; Chastity Houston; Matt Ochs.

The meeting was called to order by the President at 6:34 p.m.

Motion: By Matt Ruben, seconded by Caitlin Antrim. “To approve the minutes of the July Board meeting as presented.” Passed 11-0-0

President’s Report: Claire Adler.

Caitlin noted that between summer vacations and illness, there has not been a lot of activity this month. There has been no movement on the zoning overlay issue. The suggestions for parking changes have been drawn up into a map by the BID (there are a few errors on the map but they are noted and will be changed). The changes along 3rdStreet were presented to Council president Clarke's office and a recommendation from the office presented to the PPA. There was some conversation about the proposals and a proposal to move forward from the settled issues.

Claire further reported that there has been discussion about the excavated graves at the 5thand Spring Garden construction site but that there is nothing to report at this time. She is meeting with a professional for background information on how we can deal with such a situation if it arises again in future construction projects. 

Finally, Claire reported that there has not been significant motion on revamping the website.

Treasurer's Report: Jacek Ghosh. Written report distributed and reviewed.


A. 2020-21 Budget: July Financials - tables attached

  • For the ten months ending on July 31, All Program and All Funds Income was $158,191 - $64,818 more than budgeted.
  • All Program and All Funds Expenses totaled $156,047 - $26,368 more than budgeted
  • All Program and All Funds Current Year Net Income was $2,144 - $38,450 more than budgeted.
  • Reviewing the General Fund and Liberty Lands accounts (our two major operating funds) our financial position after the first ten months of FY 2020 - 2021 is as follows:
    • GF & LL Income: $125,855 - $36,765 more than budgeted.
    • GF &  LL Expenses: $139,930 - $14,125 more than budgeted.
    • GF & LL Net Income: <$14,075> - $14,125 more than budgeted.
  • Variations from budgeted projections through July
    • On the Income side
      • The current income balance of $64,818 is artificially high and masks the actual current income balance because of the following:
        • NLNA received two PTSSD grants that were not originally budgeted for FY 20-21.
          • PTSSD - $25,000 for direct support to individuals and households affected by the Covid pandemic in the NLNA catchment area.
          • PTSSD - $24,000 grant to rebuild the stage at Liberty Lands.
        • A one-time deposit of $4,925 in LL for Community Garden Plot Fees was not budgeted for FY 20-21. In subsequent years, Community Garden Plot Fees will average $1,650 annually.
        • A one-time deposit of $3,830 for the Fire Relief Fundraiser.
      • Fundraising Income (Annual Appeal, Individual & Corporate Donations) is 28% more than budgeted ($6,438) due, mainly, to a doubling of recurring donations and individual donations.
      • Budgeted for only six months of rental activity beginning in April ‘21, CC Space rentals and LL Party rentals are 27% more than budgeted for FY 20-21 ($4,227 versus $3,333). This should continue to improve for the rest of the summer depending on the status of the pandemic.
      • Six (6) PTSSD grants, totaling $19,500, were originally budgeted for FY 20-21:
        • Website Redesign $3,500
        • Op Santa $3,500
        • Winterfest $3,000
        • Plant Sale $3,500
        • Spring Music Fest $3,500
        • 2nd St Festival $2,500
        • NLNA only received the first two grants, totaling $7,000, for FY 20-21. So due to the pandemic and the inability to hold the usual roster of festivals/sales NLNA will not receive $12,500 in budgeted PTSSD grants for FY 20-21.
    • On the Expense side
      • The current expense balance is $26,368 more than budgeted for FY 20-21. 
      • The following are lower expenses than budgeted for FY 20-21 due, mainly, to programmatic inactivity during the pandemic.
        • Professional Services ($19,005) – although that will change with the hiring of Rachel Kimmich Mitchell, NLNA Office Assistant/Rental Lead, effective August 2, 2021.
        • Program Services ($8,024)
      • The following are higher expenses than budgeted for FY 20-21.
        • Repairs & Maintenance ($6,490) - due to repairs at the CC and LL.
        • Utilities ($2,070) - due to the repayment of the outstanding LL water bill.
        • LL Stage Repair expense ($23,650) was not budgeted in FY 20-21.
        • LL Community Garden expenses ($1,462) were not budgeted in FY 20-21.
        • Fire Relief Fundraiser expense ($3,830) was not budgeted in FY 20-21.         
    • Net Income
      • In summary, the current Net Income (total income minus total expenses) for All Programs is $2,144 after 10 months.

B. Other Items

  • Annual Appeal
    • Recurring Donations: In July, we had 54 recurring donations totaling $630 for the month.
    • Individual Donations: In July, we had 1 individual donation totaling $100.

Motion: By Barbara Saverino, seconded by Steve Richman. “To accept the Treasurer's report as presented.” Passed10-0-0

Communications & Marketing Committee: Caitlin Antrim. 

The next Communications meeting will be August 30 at 6:30. Board members who would like to attend should contact Caitlin for an invitation. 

Education Committee: Jeff Hornstein.

Jeff had a productive meeting with the representatives from Kearny's Home and School and Friends committees and feels that he'll be able to work productively with them. In the first year of the committee its focus will be on raising money for the school (with a future goal of encouraging families to enroll their kids there).  Jeff would like to promote the school supply drive throughout the neighborhood, including at the Music Fest. He also proposed a dedicated fundraiser for Kearny's 100 anniversary,. There were some concerns about cannibalization of donors to the NLNA (and thoughts about how to prevent that) but general support for the idea. 

Liberty Lands Committee Report: Janet Finegar. Written report attached and reviewed.

Joe mentioned that there are exciting new playground designs available these days (and Steve noted that funding for a playground revitalization is an attainable goal). Janet pointed out that such a large project would need to be driven by a new group of volunteers, and would likely happen under whatever the new management structure for the park might be.

Potty Club Membership: In July, we had 1 membership payments totaling $50.
Party Rentals: In July, we had 3 party rentals booked totaling $325.

Liberty Lands Report    August 2021

  • Playground: 
    • We still need to make a decision on ordering a new chain ladder versus some other replacement. Your opinions are needed.
    • Terrific new volunteer Delaney has taken over the children's garden and is putting in pollinator plants and working on getting more new parents involved at the park. She (and Liz) have scheduled a workday to paint the picnic tables at the park: helpers VERY welcome!
  • Community Gardens:
    • Jeanne had to step down as garden coordinator for personal reasons – thanks to her for all the work she did during her tenure! Katherine will finish out the season but is moving away this year. The Steering Committee is discussing finding new garden coordinators with an awareness that the re-organization committee's recommendations may affect what exactly the job is. More to come on all this.
    • Gardener Tony has offered to loan his truck trailer for hauling the Compost Pile from Hell (at the north edge of the community garden) to an organic waste site. Katherine is planning a fall workday for loading the trailer and other garden chores, including wood chipping the garden paths. That workday will be October 16 in the morning, with a raindate of the  23rd/ She's also researching whether we can set up a regular collection schedule with Bennett Compost to help gardeners deal with their organic waste.
    • The City Harvest program continues to go well, donating several pounds of produce every week. A new set of fall seedlings has just come in. 
  • Park maintenance: 
    • One of the inset lights on the stage has come loose – they are held in with a silicon seal. If you see kids (or adults) picking at or peeling that off, please ask them to stop.
    • A reminder to all that the original stage project included a path reinforced with permeable plastic “invisible paving” to make it more accessible to wheels. That path ran from the sidewalk corner to the southwestern edge of the stage (there's a raised area there). It was pulling up in past years and the section closest to the stage was removed during reconstruction. We should monitor the area to make sure it doesn't start to erode as a result.
    • Weeder's Club continues to meet every other week with nice participation. In the last month the club dealt with most of the tropical soda apple in the playground and cleaned out the rain garden. 
  • New Projects:
    • PHS is talking to several contractors about costing out the project to finish the brick path and deal with erosion issues at the southern edge of the community garden. 
    • Jesse Gardner's family has donated a large stone bench to the park in his memory. It will be placed outside the Birchberry garden, facing into the park. The logistical details of getting it delivered and installed are still somewhat up in the air, but we anticipate help from Seth and Ventura Contracting to get it done.
  • Organizational/Office work:
    • The re-organization committee will, we hope, have its next meeting soon. 
    • The Water Department asked that we hold off on submitting our (re)application for a Charitable Discount until we receive their new application form. Meanwhile, they managed to find the meter and make the required repairs, and continue to send us monthly letters saying that they haven't been able to resolve our (unspecified) issue within 30 days. 
    • There has been a steady flow of party reservations and requests for business uses, which has allowed a little income for this season. Hurrah. 
    • Due to scheduling issues, the date of Jesse Gardener's memorial has been moved to October 2. If anyone is able to help with planning that event, we'd be very grateful for the help. 
  • Upcoming Events:
    • Steering Committee meeting Tuesday August 10:
    • Weeder's Club August 21, 10 a.m.
    • Picnic Table painting August 21 (time TBA)
    • Music Festival September 11
    • Memorial for Jesse Gardener October 2
    • Animal rescue fundraiser October 9 
    • Mulch/Compost haul workday October 16 (raindate 23)
    • Fall Children's Festival October 31

Membership Committee Report: Shakirra Clark.

The committee is going to meet on August 18 and will discuss whether to totally postpone the fall meet and greet or do it in a different format because of COVID concerns. 

Operations Committee Report: Barbara Saverino. Written report attached and reviewed.

Steve noted that the Board will need to consider what kind of policy about masking in the community center should be put into place in September when we want to be able to re-open the office. 

Operations Committee Update

  • NLNA Office Assistant/Rental Lead has started!  Rachel Mitchell began on August 2 and is currently shadowing Lara and meeting with members of  Executive Committee and Operations Committee. 
  • Updates
    • Committee met on July 21 to prepare for Rachel’s onboarding, discuss rentals and ongoing business. Monika shared the Operations manual that had been created some time ago (certainly pre-COVID). 
    • Thank you to Claire, Steve, Jacek and Janet for their help while Lara was away - answering random questions, emails, checking mail and paying bills. Much appreciated.
    • NLArts is using the center and yard for the rest of the month of August.
  • Yard
    • Being opened and closed Monday to Friday for community access and use
    • Kieran Timberlake used yard on August 5 with COVID safety precautions. Rachel covered the rental (2 days on the job)
  • Old Business:
    • Committee members still welcome to help support the center and NLNA
    • Kids Rock interested in using space in September
    • Ongoing monitoring of COVID guidelines
    • Need Yard Landscaper/Weeder (previous person resigned and interim person has injury and cannot do the weeding.
      • Barbara will send email to Liberty Lands list serve
    • Wooden Bench needs maintenance/love
      • Barbara will follow up with Steve to see if he has contact
        • If no, will follow up with Joe
  • New Business:
    • Schedule Fall Maintenance Weekend Work  (a few hours with community)
    • Spring 2022 Mulch and Gravel Work
    • Suggestions for Part Time Office/Rental Lead review/create  processes:  Update/Create list of who has keys, access to alarm and credit cards, list of repair/cleaners etc., Operating Manual / Google Doc drive
  • Next meeting August 18 @ 7 pm.

Zoning Committee Report: Joe Mikuliak. Written report attached and reviewed.

Motion: By Caitlin Antrim, seconded by Janet Finegar. “To ratify the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 1007-13 New Market St., i.e.: 'Thank you for your presentation. We support the temporary variance ending 12/31/21 with the following provisos: a) Temp variance only until December 31, 2021; b) Hours: Mon: Closed Tues-Thurs: 3p-10p Fri: 3p-11p Sat: 9a-11p Sun: 9a-10p. Hard stop at these hours; c) 35 seats; d) no live or amplified music; e) use existing trash facilities; and f) no glassware/no fire pits'” Passed 10-0-0

Motion: By Janet Finegar, seconded by Jacek Ghosh. “To ratify the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 325 Green St., i.e.: 'Thank you for your presentation. We support the legalization of the multi- family use as presented'” Passed 10-0-0

Motion: By Matt Ruben, seconded by Jacek Ghosh. “To ratify the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 933 N. Penn St., i.e.: 'Thank you for your presentation. The ground floor façade is a blank face that should be improved in appearance. We would like to see public art incorporated into the project. Please work with the Casino to put trees in that are compatible with the storm water retention area in the front of the building. Consider relocating the utilities and the entry to the building to the side of the building if the easement allows this. Given that the development of the pier is conceptual, we would like to see the open space component of this project extended, and a final plan for the first 50’ behind the property. Most importantly, we would like to see the first floor use in the rear defined as it relates to the open space. We applaud the public access component, but if the development of the pier isn’t imminent, we would like to see a plan that works independent of future pier plans. Given the location, we would like to see a project that uses the available FAR for a taller building.'” Passed 10-0-0

Old Business

Don reported that there is concern in the community about the COVID safety of having the music festival. There was brief discussion and an agreement to wait another two weeks and consider the decision then based on the data. 

The meeting was adjourned by acclaim at 8:05 p.m.


Zoning Committee Minutes     Monday 7/26/21

Members present: Larry Freedman, chair, Joe Mikuliak, Kenny Grono, Matthew Ochs, Ira Upin, Scott Sperry, Christine Furman, Sharon Richman, Kristine Kennedy, Jonathan Sher, Bill Smarzewski  Members absent: Abbey Spector, Charlie Abdo, Philip Hensley

1007-13 New Market St. - RSA5 - Steve Pollack - Proposal for an open air restaurant - part of Jerry’s Bar (not allowed in RSA5) Request for temporary variance (ending 12/31) for open air restaurant across the street from Jerry’s Bar. Hours: Mon: Closed Tues-Thurs: 3p-10p Fri: 3p-11p Sat: 9a-11p Sun: 9a-10p. Hard stop at these hours. 35 occupants max. No live or amplified music. Trash/recycling on property and using existing trash facilities at Jerry’s. (Catering possibililty - 55 days 5 hours of alcohol.) No glassware. No wood burning fire pits Discussion: Neighbors were supportive as long as it is temporary.

Motion: Joe, 2nd Kenny: 10-0-0 Thank you for your presentation. We support the temporary variance ending 12/31/21 with the following provisos: 1. Temp variance until December 31, 2121 2. Hours: Mon: Closed Tues-Thurs: 3p-10p Fri: 3p-11p Sat: 9a-11p Sun:  9a-10p. Hard stop at these hours.  3. 35 seats  4. no live or amplified music 5. use existing trash facilities 6. no glassware/no fire pits

325 Green St. - RSA5 - Pete Bernard - Proposal for 3 units in an existing structure (not allowed in RSA5) Existing three gas meters and three electric meters when owner purchased the property in 2000. Other multi-family identical homes on the block. R-10 (multi-family) zoning up until 2010 at least.

Motion: Ira, 2nd Christine: 10-0-0 Thank you for your presentation. We support the legalization of the multi- family use as presented

933 N. Penn St. - CMX3 - Ron Patterson - A CDR review 196 units, 57 parking spots, 66 interior bike stalls. 84’ tall. Height limit of 100’ due to overlay. Donated pier behind the site to DRWC for public use.

Group Motion: Thank you for your presentation. The ground floor façade is a blank face that should be improved in appearance. We would like to see public art incorporated into the project. Please work with the Casino to put trees in that are compatible with the storm water retention area in the front of the building. Consider relocating the utlities and the entry to the building to the side of the building if the easement allows this. Given that the development of the pier is conceptual, we would like to see the open space component of this project extended, and a final plan for the first 50’ behind the property. Most importantly, we would like to see the first floor use in the rear defined as it relates to the open space. We applaud the public access component, but if the development of the pier isn’t imminent, we would like to see a plan that works independent of future pier plans. Given the location, we would like to see a project that uses the available FAR for a taller building.