BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES – Meeting of August 3, 2020
PRESENT: Claire Adler, President; Steve Richman, Vice-President; Renya Wasson, Treasurer; Janet Finegar, Secretary; Caitlin Antrim; Shakirra Clark; Jacek Ghosh; Chastity Houston; Joe Mikuliak; Matt Ochs; Don Phillips; Matt Ruben; Barbara Saverino; Amy Sweeney; Kevin Wilkins.
ALSO PRESENT: Lara Kelly, NLNA coordinator
The meeting was called to order by the President at 6:30 p.m.
Motion: By Jacek Ghosh, seconded by Amy Sweeney. “To approve the minutes of the July Board meeting as presented.” Passed 13-0-0
President’s Report: Claire Adler. Written report attached and reviewed.
Claire reviewed with the Board how to make reservations through Google Drive in order to use the NLNA Zoom account.
NLNA President’s Report, August 2020
- Permitting and Zoning: The Zoning Board of Adjustments (ZBA) has restarted hearings (the Civic Design Review (CDR) had already restarted previously). More from the Zoning Committee.
- Spring Garden Improvement Project: The Streets Department is working with PennDOT and others to upgrade Spring Garden Street to improve safety and streetscape. This project grew out of the 2013 Spring Garden Greenway project by the Pennsylvania Environmental Council. It is still in its early idea phase but we can expect to be a partner on facilitating neighbor outreach and feedback on the project in the near future.
- COVID-19 Restrictions Update: We remain in a modified Green Phase. Indoor dining has been pushed back to start on September 1st at the earliest, and the city will announce by August 21 whether that date will be pushed back further. Cases have been rising slightly in the city over the past couple weeks.
- Google Drive: A reminder that the Google Drive Renya set up is now our main way of filing documents. If you need help with the Drive, please let us know.
- Zoom: We now have an NLNA Zoom account that anyone can use if they are conducting a meeting for NLNA business. I will share the login credentials and how to schedule your usage of the Zoom account (because only one meeting can be scheduled at a time) at our meeting.
- Census 2020: Only half of our neighborhood has filled out the census. Thank you to Joe Mikuliak who has been hanging up door hangers reminding people to fill it out. Please let me know if you’d be able to help flyer a few blocks in the neighborhood.
- Outreach and Spending for Mutual Aid: We continue our efforts to use our $25,000 grant from PTSSD to aid the community and local businesses. We still have about $5000 left to spend. We still have about 35 shopping cards remaining to sell from the business support and continue to promote those. With cases rising in PA and Pandemic Unemployment ending, we will continue to spend the grant to help the neighborhood.
- Virtual Event Capability: Now that we have a Zoom account and more people are well-versed in attending virtual meetings, I’d love to see us do some sort of fun fundraising event such as an online concert, open mic, storytelling, or other creative event for neighbors in addition to resuming regular meetings, such as the Meet and Greet (to be discussed in Membership further). We would need a couple volunteers to spearhead an initiative like this.
- Board Polls – Ratification of any online board polls since last month’s board meeting.
Treasurer's Report: Renya Wasson. Written report distributed and reviewed.
Treasurer's Report
Report Summary: Given that income (or lack thereof) is unusually predictable through the end of our current fiscal year ending 9-30 (FY20), the finance committee has prepared both year-end estimates, and two draft budgets for FY21.
- Base budget for FY21: budget includes lower income than was budgeted for FY20
- Worst case budget for FY21: budget does not include any income from community center rentals, liberty land rentals, or for most group events. To defray reduced income, Clean Streets is cancelled (reducing expenses by $11.5k)
Bottom line:
FY20 Projected: Due to a $56K shortfall in income (not counting two unexpected grants), the treasury committee projects that NLNA will have to dip into reserves by approximately $6.5 for FY20 .
- Fortunately, expenses also fell, or else NLNA would have had to dip further into reserves.
- The FY20 Projected Budget includes $33K in carryover for FY21, similar to $31K carryover in FY20 budget.
- FY21 Base: Due to drop in projected income, NLNA will have to dip into reserves at least $5K and have minimal carryover for the FY22.
- FY21 Worst Case: Due to drop in projected income, NLNA will have to dip into reserves at least $10K, cancel Clean Streets, and have minimal carryover for FY22.
For more details, please look at the ‘Budget Overview’ and ‘Summary Table’ tabs in the detailed Treasury Report August 2020. During the meeting, I will walk you through the program tabs so you can see projected income shortfalls in FY20 and FY21.
Board Discussion:
- Potential cuts: No Clean Streets, delay some expenditures (new hires, website update, computer upgrade…)
- Potential extra income: Ramp up annual appeal by up to 50%, more grants, other sources
Motion: By Amy Sweeney, seconded by Steve Richman. “To accept the Treasurer's report as presented.” Passed 14-0-0
Fundraising Report: Claire Adler.
Claire reported that while we don't yet have a chair for the committee, several board members have agreed to be on the committee. In particular, the budget for the upcoming year relies enormously on the annual appeal and a point person for that is necessary. Don reported that he and Jacek will take August to reconsider the state of NLNA's fundraising at this time and attempt to offer a plan for improving our efforts.
Communications & Marketing Report: Caitlin Antrim.
Caitlin reported that the new committee will be meeting this month to build ideas around social media and virtual events in order to take advantage of any opportunities that might exist in the current climate.
Membership Committee Report: Shakirra Clark.
Shakirra reported that the committee's most recent meeting was largely focused on the virtual “Meet and Greet” being developed for new neighbors for October 1. Claire noted that it will be very important for Board members to attend.
Liberty Lands Committee Report: Janet Finegar. Written report attached and reviewed.
Liberty Lands Report
- With much sadness, Liz and Janet decided that we must continue the no-reservations/no-parties policy through August (and, it looks like, September). We also contacted two groups who were hoping to do socially-distanced public performances in September and let them know that it will not be possible. At this point, we are guessing that we MIGHT be able to hold a small Children's festival at the end of October, but even that is uncertain, and the Parade of Spirits organizers are not sure whether that will be possible either.
- Rachel Kimmich has been heroically watering trees through the drought of July in an effort to keep them going. A few other volunteers have popped up and are doing some ad-hoc weeding and other care.
- The Community Garden is in better shape than usual this year, and has provided a steady stream of donations through City Harvest to Sunday Love. The community garden just purchased a new weedwhacker since the old one is on its last legs.
- Massive amounts of trash and lots of small-gathering use at the park continue despite the heat.
NLNA Operations Committee
July 15, 2020 / Attendees: Amy, Lara, Monika, Jacek and Barbara
Opening of Yard and Center
A good portion of our meeting was spent on this topic: opening of yard, office/center and rentals. Committee is looking at CDC, city and state recommendations and guidelines. Jacek was asked and offered to create a draft for committee to review as a starting point. Feeling is that while we are preparing, we are not ready for the opening.
Old Business
Community Center repairs:
- Lara reported that the contractor Ira recommended was good. Work completed includes: repair of interior wall from projector project, corral fence and 3rd Street cement/fence work.
- Barbara also worked with Ian to hand signs in yard.
- Maintenance of yard garden has been started again – thank you to Janet. Moving forward, Lara is going to connect Will to Janet to get an overview for landscaping/maintenance.
- Operations manual is being updated by Monika and will be shared with committee and then Board. The manual will include contacts for work/repairs for center.
New Business
As a follow up from last month’s report, below is a suggested position description for the events coordinator (this position combines the work than Anne volunteered and Don was paid) for the NLNA Center and Yard.
NLNA Event & Rental Coordinator Part-Time position
The NLNA is a civic association and 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization. Founded in 1978, the NLNA has been in operation for more than 30 years. The NLNA’s mission is to provide services and programs beneficial to all residents and businesses in the neighborhood, encourage and promote the preservation and beautification of our public spaces and to plan and monitor the growth and development of our neighborhood to the benefit of the community.
The NLNA seeks an energetic, part-time Event & Rental Coordinator to coordinate rental events in the Center and Yard located at 700 N. 3rd Street.
Event and Rental Coordinator is responsible for planning and overseeing the execution of all events. Responsibilities include promotion of venue, booking and contract administration of rentals and onsite coordination of rentals.
Time Commitment: The Event & Rental Coordinator is a part‐time, up to 20 hours a week position. Hours include Saturdays and Sundays (with some flexibility based on the events calendar), plus additional flextime during the week which may include some evening hours.
Responsibilities: This position will coordinate a variety of tasks relating to facility rentals that include: Responding to rental inquiries in a timely, effective and proactive manner; Scheduling and providing venue tours upon request.; Following up with interested renters to book rentals; Renter and vendor contract and document administration; Providing one‐on‐one coordination meetings with renters prior to their rental (varies according need); Working with the Office Manager to ensure both facilities are in good condition and stocked with necessary supplies; Coordinating logistics and communicating with NLNA Office Manager; Meeting with renter during set-up to review rental agreement and during clean-up as needed, Note, all renters are responsible for leaving the facility in the same condition as they found upon arrival); Working in conjunction with the NLNA and/or Office Manager to promote rentals; Serving on‐call for rentals in rotation with other admin staff; Working with renters to ensure all contractual agreements are met by both parties and that NNA policies and procedures are followed including COVID-19 requirements
Qualifications: Ideal candidate will be responsible, detail‐oriented, proactive and have the ability to represent the NLNA in a friendly and enthusiastic manner. Excellent communication and customer service skills; Proficient in social media platforms; Experience operating and troubleshooting basic audio/visual equipment; Ability to accurately multitask under pressure with attention to detail; Flexibility and the ability to problem solve; Working knowledge of Northern Liberties community a plus
Compensation: $15.00/hour
Public Safety Committee Report: Matt Ochs.
Matt reported that the committee is growing slowly. They are looking to put up the remaining signs about package theft and also looking into an eyes and ears program for businesses that remain closed because of COVID, plus a few other issues. He's also been participating in forums with our local police districts.
Zoning Committee Report: Joe Mikuliak. Written report attached and reviewed.
Motion: By Matt Ruben, seconded by Jacek Ghosh. “To ratify the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 445-447 Fairmount Ave, i.e.: 'We will support 6 residential units if a plan is shared with the committee that has room for 6 cans or equivalent trash storage open to the outside.'” Passed 14-0-0
Motion: By Janet Finegar, seconded by Amy Sweeney. “To ratify the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 180 W Girard Ave, i.e.: 'Thank you for your presentation. We can support a sit down restaurant with hot cooking at this location provided a trash plan is presented that minimizes odors through a dedicated container stored in the designated refuse area that is picked up 7 days a week.'” Passed 14-0-0
Motion: By Janet Finegar, seconded by Jacek Ghosh. “To ratify the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 400 Fairmount Ave, i.e.: 'Thank you for your presentation. Please return with a trash plan that includes storage in the basement. Additionally, hood ventilation should be redesigned to minimize the effects of sound and odors on neighbors.'” Passed 14-0-0
Motion: By Matt Ruben, seconded by Steve Richman. “To ratify the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 700 Delaware Ave, i.e.: 'Thank you for your presentation. We will send a letter of support to the CDR.'” Passed 14-0-0
Motion: By Joe Mikuliak, seconded by Janet Finegar. “To approve Matt Ochs as a new member of the Zoning Committee.” Passed 13-0-1
Motion: By Matt Ruben, seconded by Jacek Ghosh. “To approve Philip Hensley as a new member of the Zoning Committee.” Passed 14-0-0
Zoning Meeting Minutes – Monday 7/27/20
Members present: Larry Freedman, chair, Sharon Richman, Joe Mikuliak, Christine Furman, Kenny Grono, Abbey Spector, Ira Upin, Members absent: Jonathan Sher, Melissa Magness, Chris Isaacson, Scott Sperry
445-447 Fairmount Ave– RSA5 – Jared Klein A return visit with a proposal for a 6 family dwelling. (Already approved for 4 with first floor commercial) Old motion requested a continuance and asked them to return with plans. Comments centered around trash storage. Plans were shown for two apartments, 1037sf and 1033 sf. Some dimensions were unclear or lacking.
Motion: Ira, 2nd Abbey We will support 6 residential units if a plan is shared with the committee that has room for 6 cans or equivalent trash storage open to the outside. Passed: 5-0-1
180 W Girard Ave– CMX3 – Zhen Jin A proposal for a sit down restaurant. Special exception review. Hours: Mon-Thurs. 12-10pm Fri and Sat. 12-11pm, Sun 12-10pm 10-15 employees Trash in parking lot dumpster under Acme
Motion: Kenny, 2nd Christine Thank you for your presentation. We can support a sit down restaurant with hot cooking at this location provided a trash plan is presented that minimizes odors through a dedicated container stored in the designated refuse area that is picked up 7 days a week.
400 Fairmount Ave– CMX1 – Dera Ezuma A proposal to add hot cooking, hood and venting to an existing cafe
Discussion centered on exterior hood venting going to lower edge of roofline. Trash pickup 3x per week, proposed trash cans locked on the sidewalk. Hours: Tues-Thurs 11:30-9, Fri-Sat 11:30-10pm, Sunday 11:30-4pm. Outdoor seating along Fairmount (existing) Comments: Neighbors concerned about smells, noise and signage. Duct work higher up roof, scrubber, etc.
Group Motion: 6-0 Thank you for your presentation. Please return with a trash plan that includes storage in the basement. Additionally, hood ventilation should be redesigned to minimize the effects of sound and odors on neighbors.
700 Delaware Ave– CMX3 – Herc Grigos A return visit showing responses to our three requests from January 2020. They moved the entrance to align with Penn St. No left off Delaware going north. Only downlighting. Landscaping has been changed to native plants
Motion: Joe 2nd Christine. Thank you for your presentation. We will send a letter of support to the CDR
Additionally, two prospective members for the Zoning committee were interviewed. Matt Ochs and Philip Hensley and confirmed the next day.
Old Business
Joe asked about the project to clean under the I95 underpass; Lara reported that she'd contacted Rep. Mary Isaacson because it's a state responsibility.
The meeting was adjourned by acclaim at 8:02 p.m.