Northern Liberties Neighbors Association

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July NLNA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes


July 8, 2024

Present: Jeff Hornstein, President; Barbara Saverino, Vice-President; Donna Turi, Treasurer; Cristina Grisanti, Secretary; Ryan Carillo; Shakirra Clark; Matt Ruben; Sung Whang; Kevin Wilkins; Francesca Yepikhina;

Not in attendance: Meesh Zucker; Mariel Lewis; Janet Finegar; James O’Neil;

Also present: Sydney Rexroad, NLNA Executive Director

The meeting was called to order by the President at 6:36 p.m.

Motion: By Francesca, seconded by Barbara. “To approve the minutes of the June Board meeting minutes as presented.”

Passed - Unanimously

NLNA Speakers & Updates

Welcome to new Board Members!

  • Speaker - Franklin Square PATCO Station Update - Judy Fagin

    • Judy is involved in the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) - Very professional, impressive municipal organization in her opinion (Judy has a background in urban planning, MTA)

    • Focus of DVRPC is metropolitan & transportation planning for 9 counties across PA and NJ

    • Judy has been appointed to Public Participation Task Force (PPTF) and took interest in exploring improvements to safety around Franklin Square (all RCO boundaries end prior to Franklin Square)

    • DVRPC arranged to have PATCO give a presentation at the last PPTF meeting regarding the project to update the  PATCO station in Franklin Square after Judy expressed interest

    • The new PATCO station construction will be done in Sept/Oct, and then a couple of months after, the station will open (early 2025)

    • Judy is connecting with neighboring RCO’s after talking with PATCO engineering about having the civic organizations tour of the new station to provide feedback as a “soft launch” for the station

    • Judy reaching out to the community organizations nearby to determine interest in the “soft launch tours” 

    • Judy also discussed SEPTA key and PATCO compatibility opportunity

    • Opportunity for increase in wayfinding from Northern Liberties to the PATCO station - educate neighbors on the PATCO station routes

    • Opportunity to have NLNA advocate for an Indigo Bike Share Station at the PATCO station (currently a station at 6th and Race) for additional access to transportation from NL to other towns

    • The NLNA Board is definitely interested in the “soft launch tour”

    • NLNA Board would like to involve the BID in the “soft launch tour”

  • Front/Laurel/Germantown and PennDOT City Design

    • Reviewed plans for updated traffic patterns and bike lanes that are a part of the I-95

    • NLNA sub-group will have a meeting with PennDOT to review the proposal in more detail

  • Bus Ops Update

    • There has been a large increase in usage of the Madison Memorial Park at the corner of 2nd and Spring Garden due to the move of Greyhound from Noble St and the park has had a lot of trash scattered, the bins have overflowed, and there has been damage to brick pathways and the stone walls

    • NLNA Liaisons / OTIS have continued to meet biweekly since the fall and these issues have been reported and communicated to OTIS

      • OTIS is working with the streets department to increase trash pick up to twice per day and have them look over the damage to the park

      • OTIS is also looking into why there are no trash cans by the Peter Pan stop on the south side of Spring Garden St between 2nd and Delaware

    • OTIS shared that they are aware the the current bathroom location which is still on Noble St is not ideal and not a good experience for passengers; however, OTIS does not have any options for where to move it

    • OTIS did not have updates on the timing of the move of the buses out of Northern Liberties (it was previously communicated that OTIS was targeting moving out of NL by Labor Day and since then there has been no update on progress or a new timeline)

    • NLNA Board has concerns regarding the timing of the move given no plan or timeline has been communicated

NLNA Leadership Reports

  • President’s Report: Jeff Hornstein.

    • Jeff discussed opportunity for new board members to get involved in our committees and events

    • The board discussed NLNA Committee priorities based on the neighborhood survey results (Public Safety & Clean Street/Litter)

    • Sydney suggested that we have a neighborhood Education Fair to engage neighbors as we do not currently have a dedicated Education Committee chair - invite schools from the neighborhood for community member to learn about local schools to this neighborhood and connect on education

    • Fundraising - Continuing to work on large donor plan

  • Treasurer's Report: Donna Turi.

    • Walked through the Treasurer’s Report in detail - on track for this year, increased spend is as expected/planned

  • Motion: By Matt, seconded by Francesca. “To accept the Treasurer's report as presented.”

    Passed - Unanimously

  • Executive Director’s Report: Sydney Rexroad.

    • Fundraising - Pro-Bono consultant is putting together a proposal for the NLNA, and it will be presented in the next Board meeting

    • Added two members to the I Love Northern Liberties program this month - making $940 per month with donations towards the neighborhood

    • Music in the Park series - First one was great! July 26 is the next Music in the Park - Board discussed options for improving the event in the future

    • Work and Play - Presented a proposal for a coworking space and childcare on Fridays at the Community Center

      • Motion: By Matt, seconded by Barbara. “To authorize up to $3,500 for the launch of coworking space and childcare program at the Community Center' '” Passed - Unanimously 

    • 2nd St Festival - August 4th, Sydney to check with Mariel on status 

    • FallFest 2024 - BID will help out with FallFest this year connecting the Farmers Market to the park, planning beginning tomorrow

NLNA Committees


  • Playground Renovation Committee -

    •  Pending fundraising strategy


  • BID Liaison  - No report

  • Community Center Operations - Status Report

    • Motion: By Francesca, seconded by Shakirra. “To authorize up to $1,000 for Community Center fire and security system maintenance' '”

      Passed - Unanimously

    • Looking for a new alarm system & monitoring quote - Does anyone know any companies? Already talked to Omega or ADP

    • Events

      • 2nd St Fest

      • Cannonball Festival

      • Fall Fest

    • Liberty Lands Committee - Status Report

      • Bodine entrance is unsteady and hazardous to walk on - The Liberty Lands Committee is looking into a temporary fix for this issue

      • Looking for support on the Liberty Lands Committee (Liberty Lands instagram help)

    • Zoning Committee - Status Report

      • Motion: By Matt, seconded by Barbara. “To ratify the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of, i.e.:616 N. 2nd St. - CMX 2.5 - Erin Batson- Edwards ' '” Passed - Unanimously

      • Motion: By Francesca, seconded by Donna. “To ratify the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of, i.e.: 417 -25 Callowhill St. - CMX3 - Ron Patterson' '” Passed - 9-0-1  

    • Election Committee - Status Report

      • Election results posted

      • Election Committee will hold Special Election in the Fall for 1-year open board seat - Election Committee to present recommendation for timing

    • NL Action Committee - No Report


  • Clean Streets & Beautification

    • Neighborhood cleanup this weekend

  • Community Engagement / Membership

    • NLNA Attended The Noble opening

    • Piazza meet and greet in the future

  • Education

  • Public Safety - Carl Monzo looking to launch committee

  • Bike Safety & Infrastructure - Alex Clark looking to launch committee

Old Business


New Business


The meeting was adjourned by acclaim at 8:42 p.m.