Northern Liberties Neighbors Association

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NLNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES — Meeting of December 1, 2014

 PRESENT:  Matt Ruben, President; Don Phillips, Vice-President; Janet Finegar, Secretary; Steve Richman, Treasurer; Jennifer Baker; Michael Coyne; Larry Freedman; Sasi Judd; Dolores Lyons; Katrina Mansfield; Sharon Richman; Chris Somers; Anne Waginger; Logan Welde.ABSENT:  Monika Kreidie.The meeting was called to order by the President at 7:01 p.m.Motion: By Steve Richman, seconded Sasi Judd:“To approve the minutes of the November Board meeting.”  Passed 11-0-1President’s Report: Matt Ruben: written report attached and reviewed. (see below)Treasurer's Report: Steve Richman: written report attached and reviewed.  (see below)There was a brief discussion of printing brochures for an annual appeal mailing. Katrina and Anne will work together to plan printing and mailing.Motion: By Anne Waginger, seconded by Katrina Mansfield. “To approve the Treasurer's report as submitted.”  Passed 13-0-0Liberty Lands Committee Report: Janet Finegar: written report attached and reviewed.  (see below)Zoning Committee Report: Larry Freedman; written report attached and reviewed.  (see below)Motion: By Anne Waginger, seconded by Sharon Richman. “To support the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 602 N. American St., i.e.: 'We support this variance if the deck is set back 3’. A letter of support will be issued when we get a copy of the adjusted plans as submitted to the ZBA.'”  Passed 13-0-0 Motion: By Anne Waginger, seconded by Don Phillips. “To support the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 620 N. 3rd St., i.e.: 'Thank you for your presentation. Please go to the UDC with alternative façade materials and then return to the Zoning Committee with additional information regarding the mechanisms proposed for the garage doors and the resulting amount of noise that will be produced and your plans for trash and recycling. Additionally, please explain what will happen if cars cannot exit onto Galloway Street and must back out on to 3rd Street. To support this project, we recommend that the height of the building be reduced to 40’. Please return with revised plans that reflect this change.'”  Passed 13-0-0Motion: By Katrina Mansfield, seconded by Chris Somers. “To support the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 421 Fairmount Ave., i.e.: ' We support a 3-year temporary variance for an appointment-only tattoo parlor with the following provisos: 1) no retail sales; 2) hours of operation will not exceed 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. 7 days/week; 3) there will be no outdoor noise or music; 4) the window signs will not be self-illuminated and they will not be lewd or crude; and, 5) there will be a maximum of 4 tattoo stations there.'”  Passed 13-0-0Motion: By Janet Finegar, seconded by Katrina Mansfield. “To support the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 722 N. 4th & 400-02 Brown St., i.e.: 'Please return with more complete plans that show correct dimensions of old and new façades. Please add windows on 4th Street at street level for “eyes on the street”. Also provide a formalized determination from L&I that these are, in fact, administrative changes. Show list of all changes and before and after pictures describing the changes.'”  Passed 13-0-0Motion: By Jennifer Baker, seconded by Dolores Lyons. “To support the recommendations of the Zoning Committee in the matter of 860-62 N. 4th through to Leithgow, i.e.: 'Please return with complete plans including house and room dimensions, façades and materials.'”  Passed 13-0-0Larry updated the committee on the matter of the parking garage for the Piazza property. The Planning Commission held a civic design review for the project, which recommended approving the proposal. Our existing appeal, which covers the commercial and residential parking, as well as parking for events, is still outstanding. The lawyers attempting to resolve the appeal have asked for Larry's help in coming up with a design and use agreement that addresses all the needed uses.Old BusinessKatrina asked about the status of the project of adding the kitchen to the community center. A full budget for the project needs to be forwarded to Steve for review and approval by the Finance Committee.Matt reported that he is in touch with Council President Clarke's office in regard to finding support for improvements at Cement Park.Matt further reported that the “neighborhood valet” project does not yet have a date for implementation, but he is pushing for it to be scheduled or turned over to someone else to implement.Matt finally reported that Councilman Squilla has introduced a bill that affects the southernmost portion of our neighborhood: it would significantly reduce the lot size for new construction and allow taller buildings. Several neighbors associations that are affected have come together to help improve the bill and reduce negative impacts to communities: that process is ongoing but seems promising.Don reminded the Board that it is important for all Board members to participate in the Annual Appeal by giving some amount, no matter how small.Don also asked Board help with the Operation Santa activities on December 19th (wrapping) and 20th (delivery).The meeting was adjourned by acclaim and with much amazement at 7:45p.m.Addenda:President’s Report, December 2014

  • Businesses – We are still working on the NLCDC front, and we are working on finding a corporate partner for the Block Grant Match (tax diversion) program.
  • Piazza/Liberties Walk – Update on the parking situation in the Zoning Committee Report
  • Bylaws Revision – The revisons were approved by the general membership at the October meeting.
  • Construction Impacts – We continue to get complaints about construction impacts around the neighborhood, and we continue to struggle to get sufficient information and city enforcement to keep the issues under control. I am working on contacting a couple of folks who might have the technical abilities and the willingness to create a neighborhood property database for us, which Lara and board members – and perhaps even all neighbors – could use to keep track of property issues, including litter, construction issues, dangerous conditions, 311 case numbers, and so on – sort of like an NL-specific mini-311 database.
  • General Membership Meetings – The next general membership meeting is tentatively slated for the fourth Thursday in January, which is the 22nd. However, in addition to eliminating the monthly meeting requirement, the Bylaws changes also eliminated the “fourth Thursday of the month” requirement. So if we have certain agenda items and/or certain desired special guests, we can adjust the date accordingly.
  • Board Meet-n-Greet – The November 12 meet-n-greet was our most successful yet, with 31 neighbors attending, 21 of whom were new neighbors. The attendance slightly exceeded the general meeting attendance from three weeks prior. I think this reinforces our sense that these meet-n-greets are a positive and effective way to move forward, to maintain face-to-face contact with neighbors, cultivate new volunteers and new leadership, and so on. Many thanks to the committee of folks who made this happen.
  • Internet – All of our online venues continue to grow and be lively. The email list has topped 2,500 and the Facebook group has gone above 900.
  • Board Polls – Ratification of any online or online board polls since last month’s board meeting.

 TREASURER’S REPORT – DEC 20142014-15 Budget: November Financials - tables attached

  • For the two months ended on November 30th all funds income was $18,400; this was $3,400 less than projected. Expenses totaled $21,100, which was $6,600 less than anticipated. Net income was -$2,700 -- $3,200 more than However, these amounts include $1,400 in income from grants and $4,000 in grant expenses.
  • Excluding grant fund activity yields a more accurate representation of our financial position. Thus, if we limit the calculation to income and expenses from the General Fund and Liberty Lands accounts the following is our financial position after the first two months of the fiscal year:

GF & LL Income:         $17,000 -- $3,600 less than anticipated.GF & LL Expenses:      $17,100 -- $5,100 less than anticipated.GF & LL Net Income: -$100 -- $1,500 more than anticipated.

  • Significant variations from budgeted projections through November were:
    • Lower than anticipated income of more than $3,900 from fundraising activities and events, fees and donations. On the other hand, rental income was ahead of projections by nearly $400.
    • Lower than expected spending of $1,000 for administrative support, $2,500 for Liberty Lands maintenance, $1,000 for fundraising and program expenses, and $400 for utilities.

Other Items

  • The accountant hired by NLNA in 2012 to prepare our annual statement and federal tax return has been retained again. During November he came into the office to work on the 2013-14 financial report and tax return. We should be receiving the tax return for review in December or January. It is due to be filed by the end of February.

 Liberty Lands Board Report-- December 2014

  • We have been having a community-wide park meeting at the end of the year for the past few years, but are going to move it to January or February or maybe even early spring for this year to see if it brings more people out.
  • We got a lot done at the November workday despite the cold. We took out a dying tree and planted three new ones, planted a lot of bulbs, drained out the cisterns, spread most of a delivery of wood chips and cleaned up in the community garden, and did a lot of basic cleanup. There are still a few things left to do, but the park is pretty much put to bed for the winter.
  • I'm currently preparing the required 6-month progress report for the big grant we got from PTSSD in June. The largest element of the grant – the stage repair – happened right away, although the shed around the electrical box at the north end isn't finished yet. We've also installed some of the dog waste management systems, gotten the recycling bins with lids (and sold them out!), installed the new bollard, and put in the safety gate by the playground. The hose valve boxes proved more complicated than we'd expected, but they should be installed in the spring, as will the new benches.
  • We've been having some trouble getting in touch with the company from which we've always ordered our playground mulch and equipment. It's not clear what the problem is. Not a disaster, but a set back, as we locate a new company to be our regular contact.
  • The last event of 2014 will be the Krampuslauf on December 13 at 4:30 p.m. Posters for it should start going up soon!

 Zoning Committee Meeting - Monday 11/24/14Members present: Larry Freedman (chair), Charlie Abdo, Beth Emig, Kyle Koenig, Melissa Magness, Joe Mikuliak, Sharon Richman, Michael Simons, Jonathan Sher, Ira Upin     Members absent: Anthony Bottenfield, Kenny Grono, Tim McDonald602 N. American St. – CMX2 – Brian Szymanic: A proposal for a roof deck on an existing house. The house has a 20’x27’ footprint. The proposed deck is 6’x26’ with no setback on American Street. The refusal is for the pilot house which is 17’2”x8’7”. The house is 44’ high. Discussion: The pilot house was larger than it needed to be because of the staircase layout and there was no setback. Adjacent neighbors had no problem with this proposal.Motion (Joe) - 2nd (Jon): Vote 8-0    We support this variance if the deck is set back 3’. A letter of support will be issued when we get a copy of the adjusted plans as submitted to the ZBA.620 N. 3rd St. – RSA5 – Brian Phillips: A return visit with a proposal for a multi-family bldg. Motion from September 2014: Vote 6-1 Thank you for your presentation. We would like you to consider the following regarding developing the property at 620 N. 3rd St: Height should go down from 47 to 38 ft at the North side of the property. There should be an active 1st floor on 3rd St Single family dwellings on 3rd Street with multi-family on Galloway or all multi-family. 1:1 parking that has entrance and exit from Galloway. One story was eliminated, the top story is set back, the current height was reduced to 42’, and the number of units was reduced from 11 to 8 with 8 parking spaces. The proposed top story is set back. Ceiling heights are 9’6”-10’. The roof is not usable and it isn’t accessible. The parking garage entrance is on 3rd Street and the exit is on Galloway. The garage doors coil up. The “lobby” will be lit up but there is no activity there because the lobby is only a pass through to the garage. The façade is metal and wood. Discussion: Some neighbors said the building was still too high and they lost light. Some people thought that having apartment units, as opposed to additional houses, was good because the project relates better to the street than the previous proposal. They have not gone to the Streets Department to discuss the garage egress onto Galloway if it is blocked (e.g.; heavy snow that is not plowed) and cars would have to back out onto 3rd StreetMotion (Beth) - 2nd (Melissa): Vote 8-0 Thank you for your presentation. Please go to the UDC with alternative façade materials and then return to the Zoning Committee with additional information regarding the mechanisms proposed for the garage doors and the resulting amount of noise that will be produced and your plans for trash and recycling. Additionally, please explain what will happen if cars cannot exit onto Galloway Street and must back out on to 3rd Street. To support this project, we recommend that the height of the building be reduced to 40’. Please return with revised plans that reflect this change.421 Fairmount Ave. – CMX1 – Gia Rose: A proposal for a tattoo studio and art gallery. This is an appointment only tattoo studio (Eclipse Studio) with 2 artists working initially with the possibility to expand to 4 artists. They will be open 7 days/week. There will be 2 hand-carved wooden signs that are 2’x2’ hung inside the store front windows. The signs will not be self-illuminated. They will have a private trash service. Discussion: Tattoo parlors are a regulated use and they must reapply every 3 years. There was neighbor support for this project.Motion (Joe) - 2nd (Jon): Vote 8-0-1 We support a 3-year temporary variance for an appointment-only tattoo parlor with the following provisos: - no retail sales; - hours of operation will not exceed 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. 7 days/week - there will be no outdoor noise or music; - the window signs will not be self-illuminated and they will not be lewd or crude; and, - there will be a maximum of 4 tattoo stations there.722 N. 4th & 400-02 Brown St. - Deborah Cianfrini: An administrative change to change one car garages into two car garages (and other changes).These three houses were part of a previously approved 5-house project   An administrative change to create two-car garages out of one-car garage (and other minor changes). Changes include: angling the stairs of the last house because of an existing gas line; material changes; window changes (placement, elimination and type); etc.Discussion: The plans did not accurately reflect these changes – windows were removed from the 1st floor on 4th Street eliminating “eyes on the street” and façades were changed. Too many changes were not correctly documented on the plans with proper dimensions. There was no way to compare before and after plans.Motion (Mike) - 2nd (Melissa): Vote 10-0   Please return with more complete plans that show correct dimensions of old and new façades. Please add windows on 4th Street at street level for “eyes on the street”. Also provide a formalized determination from L&I that these are, in fact, administrative changes. Show list of all changes and before and after pictures describing the changes.860-62 N. 4th through to Leithgow – RSA5 – Chris Sincavage: A proposal to build 2 single-family dwellings. One house is on Leithgow. One house is on 4th Street. Four refusals were issued for this project – accessory parking, lot width (15.2’ instead of 16’), open area (12.9% instead of 30%), setback. Discussion:  No “plans” were presented. Façade materials are unknown.Motion (Ira) - 2nd (Kyle): Vote 10-0 Please return with complete plans including house and room dimensions, façades and materials.310 Girard Ave. – ICMX – Kevin O’Neil/Herc Grigos: A return visit with a proposal for 53 residential units and commercial ground floor.   CANCELLED. —